Proofreading is very important task for most copywriters and content builders, especially non-native English Speakers. I admit my English is not perfect and sometimes I do make grammatical mistakes. I've improved a l...
The Skyscraper Technique The Skyscraper Technique is a technique that's used to research and come up with new content ideas for content that is better than your competitors. The way it works is you have to find the...
When it comes to quality content I'm not shy in sharing other people's work, especially people I admire. It's a great way to create good quality content, don't be greedy and reluctant to link to other people in your ...
2016 is more than half way through. There were various predictions as to how this year could bring any changes in the world of SEO. This particular article was very inspiring to me as it showed what 44 very knowledgeable...
In recent years Google showed interest in giving good rankings to massive pieces of content for industry related niches. For example, if I am to write 350 words on "pokemon go stock market" I would be lucky to rank in ...
I'm sitting here right now thinking of some stuff to write about, but I am lost as I typically am. How does one go about posting content that is creative, innovative, and somewhat unique? I don't want to post content tha...
I'm looking to hire a article writer to write articles about Pokemon Go game; every thing you ever wanted to know about about the Pokemon Go game, including how to play any tutorials - step by step guides, etc. Who ...
Hello freelancers, I just came here to ask you one simple question.. What do YOU personally think defines a product? As many of you already know, I'm an author of a handful of ebooks, and I call them products. I a...
As a writer or blogger, it's inevitable that people will take your content and put it somewhere else such as on their own site or somewhere else like a forum without your permission. When that happens, and you don't want...
Much like Joanna Wiebe, I stumbled upon The Diva List by pure accident. In fact, you can read everything about it here: The Diva List, Or How I Found Happiness As A Freelance Copywriter. The first time I heard about the ...
Long-form content is on average an article with about 1000words or more. Long-form content can help to tackle the topic in more detail, since there is room for more words. Sometimes it also includes citations and quotes...
Hello fellow freelancers, As we all know, money doesn't come as easy as some people think and as easy as some people claim. I know that and you know it as well. However, I would still like to bring this topic up for dis...
Hello, I wonder how you would find people interested in Master Resale Rights for your products? I have never tried to find these people myself, and some of these people have contacted me directly and asked me in case...
I have heard so many different things about how often I should post new content on a website for good SERP and traffic. I have heard that I should post at least 3 times per week per website. However I have 3 websites,...
I've been using Cloudflare for a long time for my website , and i'm happy with their performance. But i would like know more about others CDN's and what they offer? If you have tried any other CDN except Cloudflar...
A website that's successful has these characteristics: It's Original or distinctive Content: There are thousands, if not millions, of websites on the web rehashing a similar previous content or selling a similar old ...
A lot of people are saying that copied content is the same as duplicate content, but I'm always seeing syndicated or guest content (as in copied and published from another site) on big sites. If it's so bad to have copi...
A great user experience is something that is of utmost importance. It ultimately makes or breaks a website! So you need to make sure that there are no technical issues that hinder the UX. What things do you consider t...
There was some discussion about this in the group chat the other day and I was reading something about it on here earlier as well in another faq, plus it's something that's coming up more and more now as people are disco...
When I create new content on my website it gets crawled and indexed in minutes, always less than an hour. It also ranks very high, usually in the top 5 results for a search using the primary keywords in the title. After ...
How do I add "services" to my public profile? A client saw my bid on another client's WTB and wants to see my "services" included on my public profile. Please help.
Title is pretty self explanatory, both software are from the same developer "Jonathan Leger". Which one do you think is best? pros and cons... You can find the video and features detail from here. The Best Spinner - ...
Today I have received a "warning at SEOClerks, for Reason: Invalid FAQ content". But my answer for absolutely related to the question, and without any bad content (backlinks or similar or bad words). How can happen thi...
We would like to hear opinions on the following article scrapers: 1. Wicked Article Creator 2. SEO Content Machine 3. Auto Content Writer 4. Content Professor 5. Kontent Machine What are your opinions on e...
Situation: The corporation I am working for is undergoing a rebrand effort soon, which means our domain name is changing, and so we have a lot of SEO / Redirection issues to look out for. My manager wanted to know ...
I do SEO for a site. The sites' content is also used with other domain named sites by the site owner(In which non of the sites does not have any backlinks, except the one i'm working) And these domains linked to my...
please can any one tell me what is content drafting in SEO?
Will DMOZ accept several urls from the same domain (deeplinks) if the content or products are different? Is there a limit
ask me or post your question here so expert will give you answer
I have received a warning at SEOClerks. Reason: Invalid FAQ content what is this mean ? What is the source of the warning so do I delete it
How can you say that a content is a "Quality Content"?
Could a press release be considered as duplicate by Google?
1/3 of my article is copied from another site. Will that constitute to duplicate content?
Apart from Google, do other search engines have this rule against duplicate content?
Is there a way to prevent people from copying content on my website?
How to prevent getting hit by Google due to duplicate content?
For more traffic do you need seo or content ? Please dont' say both, as I know both is better than one. So, which is more favored ?
Duplicate content can really hit hard. My question: How can I prevent duplicate content on a lyrics website?
What does duplicate content meant? How can I prevent it?
Why do many top-listed pages have no content?