
Do you think that long-form content is more effective than shorter articles?

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Do you think that long-form content is more effective than shorter articles?

Long-form content is on average an article with about 1000words or more.
Long-form content can help to tackle the topic in more detail, since there is room for more words. Sometimes it also includes citations and quotes. However one needs to make sure that the keyword density is just right and to not fill up the content with fluff, or useless words that are not giving any valuable information. Long-form content is said to be rewarded by search engines.

So what do you think? Do you prefer such lengthy articles on a site or a blog, or would you rather opt for short articles?


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When I first started content writing for my websites I thought a 300 word article would be sufficient, simply because that is what Yoast said to me. It took me another year to figure out that longer articles really do rank better.

You've made an excellent point about fluff though. I've read so many articles that are obviously just fluffed up to try and make it longer. I find it impossible to read an article like that and just leave the website... this will wreck your bounce rate,time on website, pages viewed and all these other little things that search engines use to rank your website too.

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In my experience, contents should be of medium length. People have less attention span, therefore, they will never read your 1500 word articles. Likewise, short contents do not have enough informatiom and people will skip reading the short contents. Furthermore, search engines don't refer visitors to short contents.
My opinion is based on my writing for hubpages. On hubpages, I was asked to write 1500 word articles, however, I found that bounce rate for these articles was huge. By medium length, I mean contents around 700-800 words.

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In terms of readership, I think shorter articles have the advantage. Whenever I would encounter a long article, particularly in blogs, I would exit because I feel that I don’t have much time for it unless the subject is very interesting to me. I believe that shorter articles can get more traffic than longer articles. But I have to agree that longer articles have the advantage in terms of SEO compliance and also with monetization. The longer content, the better for the earnings.

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I think long form content is effective, because you can give more insights to the reader and as what you ave said, some citations, so it makes more believable and accurate when you try to convince the readers. Also it is a lot more formal as well.

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