
How to get those creative juices flowing?

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How to get those creative juices flowing?

I'm sitting here right now thinking of some stuff to write about, but I am lost as I typically am. How does one go about posting content that is creative, innovative, and somewhat unique? I don't want to post content that is popular, or already covered.

How exactly does one post original, unique content? What do you do? How can you even post content that doesn't exist when there is millions of users online posting content? Is anything unique anymore? What is innovative today?


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Think of it like this... It's almost impossible to post content that isn't already online. It's a tough pill to swallow, but a ton of stuff has already been covered on various websites, you just have to make the post your own. Write the post in your own style and you'll be just fine How to get those creative juices flowing?

Here's what I do to figure out what to write, you might do the same thing, who knows How to get those creative juices flowing?

Open notepad and type down keywords in the niche you want to write about.
  • After you get around 20 to 40 keywords, you can branch off of those. An example would be if I had "backlinks" as one of my keywords. I could then write about "high pr backlinks" , "wikipedia backlinks" , "blog backlinks" and so on. You can usually triple the size of your keyword list by doing this. If you have a good tool that helps suggest keywords to you based on a few you type in, that's even better How to get those creative juices flowing? Takes all the thinking out of it lol.
  • After you get your keyword list into your notepad, rank them based on what you think you would prefer to write about. I usually give them 1s and 2s, the 1s I would prefer to write about and the 2s are something I will eventually write about.
  • Pick your top 10 keywords and write a 500+ word article about each one. This will keep you occupied if you're optimizing each article you want to post.
  • After you get your first 10 done, do the ranking system again if you don't have any 1s left from the first round. Rank all your keywords with 1s and 2s, pick the top 10, write a 500+ word article for each, and repeat the process until you're out of keywords How to get those creative juices flowing?

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i have to agree with you on that a lot of the times you can find yours self feeling like what you want to speak a bout has already been covered and it happens but just as things are passed down from generation to generation do not let this discourage you if you read something you want to write about feel free too take from it and learn from it then take what you have learned and give your views and your spin on it hopefully that can help you reach out to the audience you have intentions good points razzy

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Sometimes it is really difficult to come up with an interesting topic and as you said with so many articles available online it has become increasingly difficult to stand out. There is indeed a lot of competition. So the best you can do, apart from what Razzy suggested which are very good tips, is:
  • Focus on the quality of the writing, make it well written and engaging
  • Use keywords, plenty of them, but in a way that they allow the article to remain readable and interesting
  • Search for questions people posted relating to that topic - trying to answer them will help you get ideas for content that is helpful and demanded
  • Look for loopholes in current articles

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I like to check the comments on my websites, often reading through what my readers have asked about helps me find ideas for content and the best part about that is that the content is often what my readers want to know about.

Some of my best posts have come from doing this How to get those creative juices flowing?

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That's a great idea Lynne. The content that you write is intended to grab the readers' attention, and to do that it needs to address any problems, queries, doubts etc that they may have. Apart from offering them helpful information and tips, you would also be gaining their trust even more when you write content which relates to their needs.

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Loads of my content comes from questions readers leave in the comments! Happy to help you come up with ideas. It also makes a really good impression and makes your readers happy when they ask a question, you answer it and then follow up with a 1500 post on that topic. I've had very positive feedback from my readers How to get those creative juices flowing?

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valid points valid points indeed, i would like to focus on how you said "look for loop holes in current articles" i am not sure exactly what you mean by that to be honest, i am a little confused but i can tell you what i do take from it looking for loop holes as in what you feel someone missed and you could elaborate on now i am not sure if this is what you meant but i can be sure in saying that this is a great concept to think about , you have really good points great job

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Yes that is exactly what I meant by it. Most articles seem to focus on one aspect of something, and you feel there is more to add.

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Yes I agree with Jkeyz2 here, often content can be generated from existing posts and that is always great too because then you can interlink nicely with your content. I have found a lot of ideas from old content.

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id say a good start is always looking twords your inspiration you know if you have a topic already in mind but cant elaborate on it research it spark some ideas, or if your just not sure what too write at all think about who you may be trying to reach and what would catch their attention you try to think outside the box, and hey man listen do not be afraid to ask for help either if you know anyone that has any ideas of what you should write and you could really work with it then by all means take advantage of that persons help,

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Just on the point of how do you write something unique that has not been written about... well for that you need to really be yourself.

Yes there have been loads of topics written but nothing from your personal opinion.

I tried writing what I thought people wanted to hear... and that worked ok. It is when I started just writing exactly what I thought without giving a **** about what people might think that my content started being read more and people started engaging.

Um yes the truth is that a lot of the people that engaged spewed hate speech because they didn't like my opinion hahahaa.

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i agree you know any one can base there writing off of some one elses idea but being your self is key it is a key to life a key to success and just a key to happiness, you will feel a thousand times more accomplished with a piece that you took the time out to do yourself with your opinions all over then a piece that was based off of what some one else took the time out to write and say , dont get me wrong looking twords others for reference is never a bad thing but i agree with Lynne feel free to add some of your own flavor

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Yes I often read other people's articles on similar topics simply because it is always a good idea to do research on what other people are writing. This also helps to inspire me and to give me some direction but I never copy what other people are writing because I find that completely pointless.

It is exactly the point Everett gave, I don't see any point in publishing content when that exact topic has been covered or the exact same things have been said.

I make my work completely my own and when I share my opinion it is unique.

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So what happens if you do your research, and post an article based upon the research you've conducted for the similar topic and the person claims that you've stolen ideas or even content from them? This is an issue that is quite common amongst content creators.

There should be a little name for the issue, but for now i'll call it "great minds think alike".

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I haven't had that happen to me before but seriously you know that you have written your own content and unless it is copied word for word or incredibly similar then nobody has any right to complain.

I have actually had people copy my content before, word for word, headlines and all! Yes I was kinda flattered but there is also the side that says I work my ass off to write my content and I put so much effort into it... just for someone else to copy and paste?

Lazy buggers and also just plain stupid. Google will catch them eventually...

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Well, since they engaged in hate speech, it probably gave you an idea to blog or vlog about, right? The haters will always be there, it's the norm of doing anything online. The saying goes: "Haters are my motivators". I use to laugh at that, but I can see why people hating on you would motivate you more.

I don't necessarily call them haters, I call them 'buffers'. They allow for you to know just how successful you really are. If you don't have any haters, chances are you're probably not doing it right.. Do you agree? Do you love your haters? LOL.

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I've never heard that before, but I love it. And yes I love my haters simply because they do half my job for me. They create incredible engagement on my website and my Youtube channel.

I have even seen what some of the haters do... they share my content and say something like "Look what this idiot is saying... " and then share my Youtube video. This will certainly generate more clicks on my videos than I could ever achieve LOL

I often wonder if those people realize how they are actually propelling me towards success? I guess not or they wouldn't share my content or engage either!

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This is one tough question. Creative juice is all about the condition of the mind and body. You can try to stimulate your mind but if the body is not willing (maybe there is body pains) then it wouldn't be that effective. In writing, the preparation needed is to clear your mind of concerns, whether problems or other projects. A relaxed writer can write better since the so called creative juices will be flowing naturally. I know of one writer who has peanuts and soda in front of him when he writes. That is his comfort food, peanuts, and probably it invigorates his mind and stimulates the creative juices even if it is psychological only. Another writer has his lucky pillow. Oh well, we don't need to be superstitious on this matter but it probably helps.

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