Social media. I think we can all agree that in terms of marketing, it is the way of the future, and the future is now. From small businesses to industry juggernauts, marketers are taking advantage of social media to adve...
Hi, i have a AdSense approve blogspot blog but income and traffic is very poor, so need to know how i increase my income from AdSense. Thanks.
Social media is now the most effective way of promoting anonline business. And how can you exploit social media if you have no account? Or if you don’t have a good number of followers? Engaging in social media activi...
I am planning on starting a new blog and was going through Wordpress. I see there are several plans starting with creating a free blog. Need your advice what would be the best for beginners. Here are their plans h...
Hi everyone, Recently I've been paid for a job online, and some of the money that I was being paid was used to pay transaction fees in Paypal. Why does this occur? How can I avoid this? Any tips?
Websites need a lot of advertising and marketing because it can sometimes be extremely difficult to gain users and views for it. But where can we advertise our websites? A lot of owners use social network pages to advert...
A lot of websites that I have come across have different email addresses for different purposes. For example, they may have a special email for press related queries ( or a support email (support@seoc...
Hello! I cannot understand why seoclerks can changed my account Level from Level-3 to Level-1? If anybody knows that also reply me as soon. Thanks
I'm a buyer on SeoClerks, so I decided to combine the words "seoclerks" and "buyer". "seoclerksbuyer" was taken, so I reversed it.
Each time I am using my computer I always happen to have some particular programs running. Basically, they help in getting tasks done. Here is a list of these program and what I use them for: Microsoft Office - h...
Hi, everyone. I am thinking of starting a blog. I have read that blog creation is pretty much free. If I am planning to target a niche market such as gaming, there would be a need to purchase some games as content creat...
Sending of spam messages on websites and to email address has become the order of the day. It gets really annoying for me when I open my mails to see a lot of irrelevant messages from websites and people I didn't subscri...
Hello guys!I hope you are having a terrific day! So I always read howyou should keep away from pessimistic people, because they can really give you some bad vibes and to low your spirit in a very profound way. But how ...
If you online professional, there has so many confusion may work in your mind identify yourself as professional. Or, if anybody ask about your profession, you may confused how you introduce yourself as online profession...
Most of us have a blog or two with different contents and although we are trying our very best to be unique, it is still quite a hassle for us blog owners since there are almost no unique things to blog about! Even extra...
Comments are amazing for an article writer because it shows that people are reading your content and enjoying the content that they read. It also encourages other readers to discuss the article when they see other commen...
I only would refuse a job if I wasn't treated right if they didn't respect me as a human and my work and they didn't offer me a good payment, I would leave, and if they would call me back, I refuse it. In the rest I wou...
Hello, everyone I think there should be a dictionary here on SEO Clerks so people who are not from this type of background understand a bit more about this world. Simple definitions like for example what is a "freelanc...
How exactly can you stand out nowadays in terms of content if you just end up writing the same piece of information everyone dose using different words but maintaining the same "language" and the same general idea? ...
In today's market, there are many brands of phones available to choose from ? Each brand have their own specific product line. What exactly do you require in your phone ? Aesthetics ? Features ? Good interface ? I wo...
I know mental health is not the most popular or trendy thing in the digital world. Mos of people prefer to visit websites about working out, fashion, beauty, lifestyle and even gaming. But I've had the chance to get to k...
I am a freelancer writer. I am now working on the outlining of my very first book. I really want to try the self publishing and I think that promote myself as a writer in social media is very important to do so. Do you r...
When it comes to social media, it's a great way to find new clients and also be found yourself. When you're running a social media campaign, or just working on your social media profiles you're basically working on lea...
Fashion blogs are now very common to see. There's even fashion bloggers that work with the biggest firms around the world and make of their blog a full time job. But ... do you think fashion blogs are useful? Did fashion...
At our current generation, it is almost inevitable not to use a desktop or a laptop computer specially when it comes to working online. Even if you work offline, you sometimes still need to use a computer at some point. ...
I am always suffering eye strain whenever I look at computer screens for more than an hour. Sometimes it even gives me headache. What I do to relieve eye strain is every 30 minutes or so, I tend to stand up and walk arou...
I have a blog on gardening. Gardening is my passion. But I also have other interests. I cannot possibly mix up and post blogs on other subjects under the gardening blog. The only way available to me is to start anot...
I've been working as a freelance for almost 13 months and it has been great so far. I have no complaints and I am very happy with my job and the perks of it.
Advertisements can help an owner make money from their websites, blogs or forums. But can actually putting advertisements on your site hurt revenue because people may find these advertisements annoying and leave your web...
I have noticed recently that there are quite a few forums out there that have free domains yet are extremely active. There are several forums on these free hosted and free domain that have posts in the hundreds of thousa...
We all begin somewhere not knowing what the writing world has in store out there. I have lost count of the number of sites I have been on - some I left on my own and some closed down. As a newbie I had my moments of frus...
I started at iwriter pretty well and most requesters gave me a 5 star rating but something went wrong in that one writer delayed rating me and so I did not get any ratings for a few of my articles which meant my general...
I know that a lot of people tend to go on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter to rant about any bad experiences they have with any companies. I very rarely see any posts get a lot of attention if it is positive a...
I have been hearing a lot about Amazon Mechanical Turk but I am not sure if it is open for Indians. I went through the site and found it to be full of opportunities. Would like to hear from you.
Is there a reliable place where we can sell our digital photos? The Net has millions of such sites but I have yet to log on to any where I would be sure to get a sale.
A fridge is an item that one cannot do without. It is what I call a junk box as it has every kind of itemthat needs cold storage. However if there is one fridge and it goes out of order then comes the problem. We ther...
I am great one for multitasking. As I am writing this post my tv is one and I can do both write and listen. My maid is busy in the kitchen and I will direct her as I am writing here. Our Preiti wants attention - she wan...
I have been writing online since 2010. I lunched my blogs and websites in 2015. Since then I have devoted in publishing articles on my blogs and websites. In have monetized my blogs and websites through Adsense and coupl...
As many of you will now, there are probably millions if not billions of websites on the internet nowadays. As the number of people using the internet increases, so does the amount of people that want to make money online...
Sometimes forums can die off which can be sad for a lot of the previously active users and the forum staff. Sometimes, the owner just gives up and decides to either sell off the forum (if it is big enough) or just close ...