
For how long you have been working as a freelancer?

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For how long you have been working as a freelancer?

I've been working as a freelance for almost 13 months and it has been great so far. I have no complaints and I am very happy with my job and the perks of it.


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I have been working with freelancing and outsourcing world for the last 5 years. I do full time freelancing and outsourcing work.I have no other works except religion works. I have been enjoying my outsourcing world also.


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I want to say congratulations to you regarding your success in the freelancing world--I would love to receive any advice or assistance that you could offer. I have, literally, only been doing this for about a week, so I a total newbie and am a bit intimidated. I have a long career in teaching and writing, but I am wondering how to be successful in this arena, and any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Also, thanks for commenting on one of my previous posts.

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Hi centurion, Im Kim from Sweden. I am new to the whole freelancing world, learning more and more daily. If you are aware on some legit earning opportunity's online you are more then welcome to inbox me. I'm a writer first and fore most and oh Btw the earning potential doesn't have to be huge I would be glad to just get some pointers and recommendations of any kind. Best regards.

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I've been working as a freelancer for the last three years and it's been a good ride so far. I only intended to be in it for a year but I've been sucked by the system. I don't mind going back to a full time job as an accountant, but I've certainly hiked my standards when it comes to salary because I've more skills to bring to the table. I want my blog to showcase these skills and more.

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I didn't worked as a freelancer before, is it so important to have skills?

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It is important, yeah. I mean being a freelancer is still a job so you should have something to offer if you want to get some work online.

Skilled freelancers earn more because they are trusted by the community more.

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Thank you for the answer. Can you please tell me what kind of skills I should have ?

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What I mean is in which fields it seems easy to work on it like a freelacer, except writing.

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Well the answer to that is very, very broad. In a sense, you can freelance a lot of different skills. Writing is by far the easiest, which is why you see so many people jumping at the opportunity to work for content mills or writing articles and blog posts. However, because everyone wants these gigs, the pay is generally pretty low from all the entry-level sources you find.

If anything, I'd recommend seeing what kind of skills you can get in marketing, social media marketing, graphic design, or animation. I think those skills are always in high demand, and since not as many people offer those services, then you have more flexibility in the rates that you set for your services.

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I have been working as a freelancer for about a year. It took me awhile to get here and I am so happy I finally made the decision to work as a freelance writer full-time. And the dynamics of the freelance world is like no other. Some days I get so swamped with work and some I have free time.

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I have never tried becoming a "full-blown" freelancer yet. I'm still a student so I don't need to have an immediate job at the moment. I do try to work at Upwork for some extra dollars every once in a while. I call them game money.

I use this extra money to, as the name implies, buy video games.

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That seems to be my case too. I am on and off freelancer. I have day job though. I usually don't leave most of the jobs that come on internet. I work on low cost but I get the work done. I have yet to go completely professional. I wish to see my potential too. With upwork I don't have much luck. But hopefully things change soon enough.

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Hey, I want to commend your work ethic. As a high school student, your options to receiving an income are very limited, especially since your schooling takes up such a huge chunk of your life (and the fact that you should have a social life, too). I think it's great that you're looking at freelance options to earn a little money on the side. Regardless of whether this money is for bills or video games, I think you'll gain valuable knowledge and skills from your time freelancing which can be really beneficial once you start working full time.

Keep up the motivation, and good luck with your future freelancing endeavors!

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Only recently. I've been working online for almost a year now, but I've never tried freelancing until two weeks ago. Back then, I only did small tasks for small amounts of money until I got tired of it and decided to showcase my skills. I became a freelance writer so I could get better pay, I'm not exactly the most amazing one right now but I think I perform decently.

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I've been working as a freelancer for two years. I don't know if I am good at this or not, but I am trying my best even if my earnings are very good. I am trying to raise my earnings and I hope I will find more tasks that will fit for me.
Who says it is easy to work online and make money it doesn't know what is talking about! It is really hard and you need time, a lot of work and dedication to succeed.

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@wallet Feel free to contact me for exchange of ideas, I would be more than happy to hear from you. Maybe we can further help each other out on the aspect of raising earnings. Have a good day!

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I have been doing this part time for a number of years now. It is a hard way to make a living unless you have serious skills. Also, the online picture is always changing always in flux so a company or organization that might be good one month may not be so the next.

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I have been a freelancer for a couple of years now. I started out very small... had a limited skill set and knowledge then I self-taught myself so many new things. From SEO to website building, designing and more. That's why I actually love being a freelancer. You learn while you work. There is an unlimited amount of knowledge and you simply have to use it. The more you know, the more you can work as a freelancer. Clients always love to hire the people that are multidimensional.

I feel really blessed being able to live from it. I'd never change it For how long you have been working as a freelancer?

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I have been working as a freelancer for about 5 years now. I initially started freelancing as a hobby because I love writing about almost anything that interests me. Though started how with little skill and I lacked experience over the years, I've been able to amass necessary knowledge and my writing prowess has really improved.

After I made my first couple of dollars from freelancing, my orientation changed dramatically. I was driven to put in my best as that was going to be a source of income for me as a student. So far, the journey has been blissful and the late nights paid off.

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I have been a part time freelance writer for the past two years now. I must say it is not easy at first but its worth the effort because provides me with a second stream of income.

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I have been a freelancer for almost two year. Truly, it hasn't been easy from the onset because I'm coaching myself to the top all alone. I know things will become great at the right me.

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I just started as a free lancer. i'm looking forward to what kind things i might experience. so far its good, I think this my become my passion. i love writing and also i love doing things that will satisfy my taste. I know some people personally that has been in this business for so long and they told me great things. that's what i want to experience as a free lancer.

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It's been 10 years since I am working as a freelancer. As you can see it works out just fine. I have my slow days. And some of the time it can be harder to get hold of my projects. And client issue always happens too. I think we just have to learn how to deal with stuff one day at a time. And that can solve the problems most of the time.

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I used to work on a freelancer sites before and earned a couple of bucks but now I have stopped using them. Seems like those sites are over populated and you must have a good reputation in order for you to get hired or something.

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Hi there,
Thank you very much for sharing your nice experience about freelancing. Now you are passing 13 months of this career. Always wish to be more good. Though, you are still satisfied for this. I think you almost new in this area according to your time explaining. And this is time to gain more experience somehow. And this is time to develop your career. I do not know how skill you have now? if you start with one skill, try to make as versatile. This will help you to make excellent career on this platform.

I have been doing work as outsource contractor more than 8 years and I start career by some silly work like SMM but, now I build my career as SEO expert and content writer too. I also very satisfied here and on this platform like SEOclerks. My suggestion , try to do as your level best and more success should be come to your hand.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I'm new to this and its like more than just a week now. I'm like walking in the dark and dont know what to do. But there's always a first time for everything.I'm still learning.

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I quit my job in June 2012 and since then I have been working alone. I worked for 3 years with my e-commerce, then I decided to invest in the career of freelance writer and blogger. I've been in this business ever since. This is already 5 years and it looks like it was yesterday.

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Gee, I didn't know that freelancing as a writer can be a livelihood. I still have a daytime job but when I retire, I want to have an occupation and online work is the easiest and most convenient in terms of time. My take on freelancing is just to have something to do. But if we can earn a good amount of money then that's nice to know.

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I started since last year and I can say that it has been a very good experience so far. I will be starting a new freelancing job month and I am looking forward to do this job. Basically this job is about giving French lessons to some students in some countries. I know that I will have to face some challenges when it comes to countries where the students speak neither English nor French. I have also decided to start a blog but I am not so sure about the topic yet.

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I started writing almost 10 years ago. I have written articles and blogs and have been a part of many forums and social networking sites. I am all over the place on the Net. I recall writing for geo cities several years ago but that site did not last for long but I had a great experience there. I also have created my own website through Rediff. In other words my presence on various writing sites has been quite a bit, myLot had a writing task system and there too I have written many articles.

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I'm personally impressed by your great experience :-)
I've been working in Freelancing since two months now And I must say that It's better than I thought it could be and I'm doing great :-) Wonder how long I'll be doing it but the thing I love most about it is the pressure sometimes when you have little time and much works to do :-) I think every writer should try freelacing jobs even just once.

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You have to begin somewhere but you must stick around as sometimes we do come across situations that make us give up and that is the time you must stay on. In the world of article writing there are so many rejections and you must take those rejections as stepping stones to success.

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You are right Iamwrit, At the beginning all you want is to get known and be able to break through and be better than all of others, In my case I wrote more than Fifty drafts to for my first article, And finally I rewrote and it came out succesful, All we need is the clinging on what ypu really want and it doesn't matter how long it will take, Just give it some times :-)

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For about 7 years, I am always trying to increase my income, but because of the fluctuations in the online hasn't increased nearly as much as I would like. I am still struggling to make ends meet, which is not a very good place to be.

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Thanks for sharing your experience! I been freelancing myself for about 8 months now so you could say I'm a newbie. I agree with you when you say that the thing you like the most about the job is to have your own schedule. I think that's one of the best things about this career too and I also will continue to do it. I love to be able to manage my own time and my own life as it goes now and with freelancing everything is possible...

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i have spent like 8 months freelancing.It has bee. a great journey. I have been doing a lot of research on ways to get better.It has not been easy but I'm getting by.

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I have been freelancing for about 6 years now. I took some breaks in between as I had some moments to dedicate to my career progression.

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I've been doing freelance works for four year now. Most of them are offline freelance jobs on my first three years. Right now, I am doing both online and offline freelancing part time while building my business. I do some home-based printing jobs like calling cards, forms, and flyers for my offline freelancing, then I do writing tasks for my online freelancing. I am doing this so my earnings from my business remain untouched.

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I published my first article on a newspaper when I was still in college. When I completed my university program, I decided to become a full-time freelancer that was in 2007. If there was no subsidiary income source, I would not have survived. It took me almost 5 years to make freelancing my full-time income.

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Your post is both inspiring and discouraging. To think that it took 5 years before you were able to depend on freelancing, that’s quite a long time. But on the other hand, your tenacity proved that with perseverance, you can achieve your goal no matter how long it would take. I have been freelancing for 4 years maybe but I cannot say that my earnings can take care of my personal expenses until now. But in fairness to me, I am not full time in my freelancing because I have a daytime job in the office.

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