
To all blog owners out there!

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To all blog owners out there!

Most of us have a blog or two with different contents and although we are trying our very best to be unique, it is still quite a hassle for us blog owners since there are almost no unique things to blog about! Even extraterrestrials have their own blogs now! Lol. Nonetheless, we can't deny the fact that blogging is so much fun! 

With all of those being said, how do you guys maintain your blogs? Assuming you have a blog with somewhat good traffic or a couple of comments and redirects. 


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I have two blogs, a recipe blog for baking and cooking which I interlink to my recipe posts at Hubpages.

The other blog is a jumble blog where I interlink to the posts that I wrote for Bubblews, Blogjob, Literacybase.

Honestly , I don't get much views daily. Mainly depends on what posts I wrote and link them there.

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Oh. Same with my blogs. I don't maintain them that much. Probably once or twice per month. It's really sad and makes me lose hope because it's not getting any traffic at all.

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Is BubbleWS still going? I was only there for a little while but it seemed to have a nice community. I'm still on Hubpages and hope to publish more of my articles there. I haven't written actively for Hubpages in three or four years but the articles previously published still earn a little for me every month.

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There was one discussion about the contents of the blog vis-à-vis the promotion. The question was if you are really good in marketing, can you get traffic for a blog that contains garbage? Maybe the point was about the value of the content that you can somehow promote the blog just for the sake of the challenge but it is really silly to be doing that. Content is still the most important. That is to say that if you have good contents then it is easy to promote your blog.

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What exactly do you mean by ''maintaining''? Keeping it optimized? Posting?

I currently don't have an active blog but I am planning to reactivate my old one that was based on technology and the newest gadgets. I always try my best to keep the blog up-to-date by posting very regularly and also integrating the social media into it. Optimization and SEO are also important for me because with those two things you can elevate your blog and get bigger traffic.

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Yup! Optimized, updated, moderated etc. That's good to hear. May I ask what your blog is all about? I myself am having hard time getting traffics but I haven't tried putting it up on social medias though. I am still looking for a good page or group.

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Yes, of course! My blog is/was about technology. It currently isn't active because I didn't have enough time to keep actively posting but I did save it and it's quite easily reactivated which I am planning to do soon.

You really should be using social media platforms to attract the traffic to your blog. They're all free to use so why not? there's nothing better than free promotion and advertisement. Besides the social media, you should also look at SEO - there are a few very easy ''tricks'' that will easily rank your site higher on the search engines!

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It is so great you are thinking about activating your blog again. The bloggers community it's so big and still, there's always space for more people who wants to write about what they love. Yes, you are right. Social media is a great tool to promote a blog! It is free and it helps to reach more people.

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I agree with you here, and I think there is always room for new and good content. I think that we can always find new things to say and ways to improve on things that have come before, and blogs provide a great vehicle for delivering new ideas and techniques for living.

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@Tronia I am really looking forward to using social medias but I don't know what I should do first when I get there. Should I make a group or page that is really to my niche and my blog? Because I have joined other groups and I only get 1 or 2 views because others would just ignore. They'll say in your post that your blog is awesome, keep it up etc etc. But reality is, they didn't even click. To all blog owners out there!

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I have a blog about spirituality and I need more views on it. So I intend to start promoting it soon on Facebook and Instagram and other social medias. I received positive comments on my content but it definitely needs more exposure.

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Where do you promote them on Facebook? Do you post it in your personal profile or go to pages and groups? I have always wanted to promote on facebook but I don't really know where to start.

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I have done both actually. I added lots of people and started promoting my posts on my personal page and i have also creates a page for my website. To be quite honest i am still experimenting but i can definitely say that is has increased my website's exposure.

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Woah! That's really interesting. How did you get those people to follow you? How did you even add those people? What number are we talking about here? To all blog owners out there! But nevertheless, that is a huge step and seeing that it worked out for you that well, I might really try it.

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Spirituality? Oh my god, that is so cool! I would love to visit your blog, I am so interested about that topic and I don't see as much bloggers talking about this kind of things as I would like to. Social media is great to promote your blog. Best wishes!!

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I write about several topics related to spirituality and things related My website is alternatively you can find me on Facebook: Pedro Smith. I look forward to seeing you there!

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I do not have a blog that gets a lot of views. I blog strictly for fun and whatever is on my mind or what I want to review. Not necessarily for the views or being paid *yet* but I will have to research that as blogs are not as commonly visited now a days because we have YouTube and social media !

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I also do the same thing, 'for now' that is. Since I'm new to SEO and blogging, I tend to compile all the articles and whatever comes to my mind. It's better to have them stored on a blog rather than on drives or any other cloud storage. Blogs are reliable for me.

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My blog is a personal one. I am a blogger for over eight years now and all this time it has been a hobby. I write almost about anything I actually feel. But now I am thinking about making of my blog my full time job. I hope I can keep talking about things that actually inspires me and still making grow my community.

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Despite being a hobby you did manage to make some money out of it then? If you are considering making a living out of it i assume you had some profit yes?

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Have you come to the point which you would think or possibly if you are doing this already, about making your hobby into something that you feel like earning some money too? Like a full time or something. Or is it just a pure hobby just to write? Do you put ads on your blogs? To all blog owners out there!

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I have already talked about the fiasco when it comes to my blog for the simple reason I have given it a title that restricts me from adding new topics. I have thought of a way to solve this problem. I need time and once I take it up I know I will achieve what i have been looking for.

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That is kind of weird. How were you able to put the title in the first place if it restricts you to add new topics? Wouldn't it say that it's not valid specially if its a title.

Any update on this now? Were you able to add topics?

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I have multiple blogs and I find it harder to make money with it. Like each blog needs to be updated on regular basis. And you have to keep on adding the content on every other day. So it all comes down to what you can do with the blog. And then also the promotion part. I find that harder. You just have to work with the social media to take this ahead. Some blogs can earn good but some require heavy promotion.

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That's really the sad part about having multiple blogs instead of having only one wherein you put articles on it. Promoting is indeed a hard thing but we can always make use of the social medias, so they say. The thing is, people nowadays don't easily click to articles or links that they see unless it catches their attention.

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I think if you are focusing more from the affiliate marketing side, then better get one post at a time. And then build social media on it. The task may seem easy but it's not. As there is more competition. It is kind of hard for you to get attention these days. As not many people are going to be finding this way of monetization safe. So I'd recommend going with one blog at a time. And have 10 articles before going for another blog.

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It is indeed not easy at all. Easier said than done huh. >.> I've tried that and I failed miserably. (lol not) It's just really hard to promote your blog specially if people are not interested. Even if it's a good one, they won't even bother unless you give them something in return. Which kinda sucks. But hey, it's the Internet.

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I have a scheduler that helps me to keep track of what I have posted in which category as per when. I update topics that generates a lot of interest on my blog. It can be hectic if you have more than two blogs you are managing but it can be done with adequate planning.

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You are right. That's good that you have a scheduler. Probably that is wise to do specially on your blog which is generating a lot of traffic. Why don't you just merge your blogs instead so that it will be easy for you to maintain them?

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I have only one blog that takes me a lot of time to handle. I advertise my blog on Facebook, Twitter and some few socialize sites to gain more traffic. In the rest, I must say that is taking a lot of time to add more quality content once in a few days. I cannot add posts every day because I have another site to work on and my job and family takes time too!

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And how did it go so far? Did you get some views or traffic when you advertised your blog on social medias?

Of course you don't have to add post/article every day. That would be time-consuming and as you said you still have job and family time.

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I don't really update my blog layouts. I keep it the way it is. Once in a while I post whatever is on my mind. My blog isn't centered on only one topics though. One day I post about the unique hotel in Japan and the other I post about the effect of piracy on video game industry. I see my blog as a way to practice my writing skills. I only get some views because my google plus account automatically shares my post whenever I have one.

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Judging from the details of your post, you don't seem to post one topic only. You should make separate blogs or categories for those two since they don't share the same interest. Unless somehow by any chance, you can relate them both them I guess it's fine. But nonetheless, blogging sure helps us a lot in terms of our writing skills, for sure.

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I usually funnel people from facebook and twtter to my blogs with notifications, and that seems to work ok. I try to keep my writing at my blogs as humorous and upbeat, as possible, considering the content. Although, I do cover some serious topics at times--for example, I am writing one right now about how my roommate and I were almost attacked in a diner last night by three racist cretins. In any case, although there is "nothing new under the sun", you can always say the OLD things in your OWN way--thus, there is always the possibility to create exciting new blogs.

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First of all, so sorry for what happened to you and your roommate, believe me I know what is like. Second, I totally agree with you, is not like you run out of topics, or you talk about same things, is about the way you manage how to talk about common things. Even the smallest joke of the day, the more simple action, you can talk about it in many different ways. Usually the hard part in this, is to have time enough to dedicate yourself to your blog, it can be because of family, work, chores, etc. In my case, my job doesn't let me have plenty of time for my hobbies, but I bet if I had the chance for sure I will express my day by day on a blog.

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I don't post that often because I have been having a problem with blogger. I would like to post daily but it actually ends up being weekly. I guess I don't have the enthusiasm for my blog that I once did. I wish I could be more active with it.

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My blog is on something I like doing and I learn from it as well. So I don't feel stressed out doing it.

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May I know what your blog is all about and what topics are in it? It sounds like it's really doing a good job since you don't feel stressed out doing it. Some people would eventually get tired blogging since it takes most of their time.

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From a blog reader.....
There are some incredibly interesting blogs to read. I rarely subscribe or follow after my first visit. When blogs are not updated, or subject matter changes completely I lose interest. For example if I'm loving hearing about the progress of foster kittens and the blogger devotes the next couple of posts to noisy neighbors, I won't be back.
I don't want anyone to take this as criticism, just a readers perspective.

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Interesting. Is that for the longer term? When you say you won't be coming back? Or eventually you would go back sometime and check if they've updated there blog with posts that you are interested with? I'm curious because I would bookmark certain blogs and from time to time I will always check them even if they won't post the same niches anymore.

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I do blog and I create blog for my buyer website necessity or for creating do follow based back link or for creating web link wheel. The best way to maintain some several blog is to open and create several blogs from same mail address.In this way you will get the facility to check several blogs at a time.


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Currently I have 3 blogs and my wife helps me develop content for each of them.

My goal is to be recognized in each one of them and I believe that soon I will have good results.

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Talking about this, my cousins just decided they want to do a blog about gaming. In fact, that is such a great idea, specially for them who love to play all kind of games. They are so passionate about it, they know every console, every launcher, character, tricks, tips. They would like to use the fact of their experience, and also they share and make friends with a lot of people while playing, so they will take advantage on this too. Also, they will make promotions on their socials like Facebook and Twitter.

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I maintain my blogs by updating them daily, You can't get enough traffic with an abandoned blog, so one needs constant updating with valuable content.

you could also throw in some quizzes, competitions or debates to spice things up and drive traffic. i also reward my readers
with some incentive and give-aways.

sometimes change the designs, layout and settings.All these helps to add flavour and reduce boredom and un-inviting nature for a blog.

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I always read a lot and whenever I read articles on other blogs I get ideas on what to put on my own blog, just like you said it is not easy to be unique in blogging world since there are atleast millions of blogs out there and at least hundreds of them are same nich as yours but we still trg to have something different, that's what writers do right?? My simple example of unique way to write contents is to write an very long sentence trust me that can make you unique.

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Haha. Some would do that though - writing very long sentences. For me it won't make any sense at all. Since you already stated your point in the shorter version of the sentence, why not make it longer? It would seem that you are only trolling your readers upon doing that. But yeah that could probably work to some people. To all blog owners out there!

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I do not run any blogs because people are behind channels on youtube now.There is no time for reading.But I run a forum for SEO people who wants to put their links for advertising

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I just have one blog/forum, because in my personal opinion it's better to focus on one high quality blog. Then have two or 3 medicore blogs. And I see it a lot where people say having more than one blog is a good thing. But I would like to know how much, if anything they are earning off their blogs. Because the blogs that I know that make money are super high quality content blogs.

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My blogs have history, which means I have archived posts from years back.

Fellow bloggers have shared this advice as a content strategy:

repurpose, republish and recycle via round up.

Go back to your old blog posts. If the content is “evergreen”, meaning it is just as relevant today as it was 5 years ago, update the content, beautify it (maybe you could or add an image, find some related posts to share with it, etc. and repurpose it. The content has been updated you need to let others know. Use a Ping tool to alert the search engines to crawl your site.

Find sites that will accept your original content and republish it at their sites. People say Google will penalize you for “duplicate content”. That's not true. Sites like accept republished content and as long as the “canonical URL” is supplied to the original content, you're good!

Basically, if you have several posts addressing a particular topic or subject, do a Top 5 or Top 10 list publishing a post that shares a quick summary of your post and links back to the original detailed post. That's called a "round up".

Haven't done Number 3 yet, but I'm gonna!
My traffic is not spectacular. But it's getting better, so I just have to keep at it.

Slow and steady wins the race.

To all blog owners out there!

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A must-have do's specially for our fellow bloggers who are actively looking for inspiration and motivation! Here it is guys! Plainly served by our very own @cmoneyspinner. Thanks a bunch! In my opinion, updating your blog posts and adding a top 5 or top 10 relevant and additional data on it would surely make it look more alive than ever. To all blog owners out there!

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I have half a dozen blogs and websites. One of my blogs is a personal blog called On this blog, I share my personal thoughts. MY abother blog is titled Travel Nepal, on this blog I publish travel articles. My third blog is called wellbeing and wellness, this blog on health and wellness niche. My blogs and websites are not earning enough even though I have monetized with adsense and amazon ads.
Currently, I am running my blogs with my money that I generate from other sources. However, I hope that soon these blogs will make money for me.

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What I understand with unique is not the uniqueness of the topic but the content itself. A copied content is definitely not unique. But if you will write your own blog then you have an original and unique blog. Moreover, the information you are sharing in your blog may not be unique especially if your niche is common. However, it can be unique in the way you present it in your writing. That’s one advantage when writing through your experience, the uniqueness will be there.

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