Hello i am a level-3 seller and i want to earn a minimum of $300 each and every month can it possible here in Seoclerks. i have multiple service but unable to get huge sell i don't know how to earn a minimum of $300 from...
some people find my services are expensive for $5. to make more sales, i want to reduce price to be $4 or $3. SEOClekrs does not allow us why?
Hello as a level-2 member i know bump is the main way to get regular sales but i have one question in my mind. i am from india and most of the buyers are from USA and UK as per my view. so which time is better to bump my...
Not sure if anyone thought about this but i personally think it would be good idea to have: - profile badge - 1 or more gigs badge - 1 or more affiliate gigs badge could be done in javascript (or HTML) so people and affi...
Hello every body, i am a re seller social media service & i use some panel for Facebook likes & Twitter followers but some days ago Facebook & Twitter major update. So my buyer lost Facebook likes & Twitt...
I live in Pakistan and i want to your services but when i try pay through Credit card my country Pakistan is not in country list Kindly add it in add it in List so i can make my Payment's plz take it seriously
For a few hours, this has been how my 'manage sales' tab looks. I've gone over every sale to ensure there are no unread messages from sellers. Also, I took time to update all messages. And, no matter how many times I ...
Hello, excuse my English, is google translator. I need for my web users. Are there services for this? Thank you.
I purchased that GIG before 5-6 days ago..I got the service but after few hours bot keep crashing and its not working..i even tried to mail her and reply on here but she is not responding.. Need solution... URL : https...
Dear SEOClerks, when i look example on this Job offer: https://www.seoclerks.com/want/Buy-Forum-Posts/9744/Promote-your-service-at-my-webmaster-forum I see many bids, but as a Seller, i talked already to some bidders a...
Hello, Introduction: Fiverr has function that all gigs are disabled if seller dont click link in email once every few weeks to keep active his gigs... this prevents dissatisfaction of sellers & buyers because seller...
I just saw my time and SEO Clerks time is different, SO i want to know is there any way to see always exact and updated time of SEO Clerks ? Any senior member suggest, Thanks Suvo
When I owned a services business, we would always send out postcards to previous customers as a reminder that it was time to purchase the service again. And, many businesses use this method to generate repeat business f...
We are rewarding those users who will help us in finding bugs or vulnerabilities in all clerks nation websites i.e. seoclerks, codeclerks and listingdock and we are also rewarding those users who will suggest good featur...
And I have tried messaging him and he wont respond. the est, delivery date it monday 9/29/14 should I cancel or wait til after Monday?
Looking for you suggestions
Is it possible to add the line, 'Can create services for less than $5.00' to the Level 2 benefits section. From what I know it's allowed for Level 2 members to create services for less than $5.00, but currently the pag...
hello staff Payza 24-48 hours, Payza 3% fees - temporarily disabled please enable Payza in withdraw. because Some countries are not supported by Paypal and my country not supported by paypal. i hope all staff members ...
When you make a purchase on SEOClerks and complete the sale, you are encouraged to click through to the service review forum to leave a review. Many of the service reviews don't have usernames or url to service attache...
Hi I need $9 on my balance account back to my paypal account. Thanks
Hi, I am just asking this now because one of my order just now has been cancelled for this reason,(Buyer has created a Paypal dispute against your order.)I got this reason from SEOClerks, But my question is it fair enoug...
I am not interesting in sending spam messages to anyone here on SEOClerks, but I had read here on the forum how you can get banned or blocked if you send too many private messages to other members. I just want to know h...
As per my observation says that 'User profile verification feature" must be added in seoclerks , there are many other freelancing websites offer seller and buyers verification feature(I am already verified on a few websi...
Good day, I'm from Berlin / Germany and looking for transport Real Visitors / inside from all over the world from 50,000 and more, who can help me there.
I don't know whether the following site is a scraper site or an SEOClerks Affiliate Site but I am concerned that they are offering my advertised service at a higher price. http://a.seoclerks.com/linkin/31594/Traffic/2...
There are many services offered on SEOClerks and thankfully not every Seller offers the same service. I propose a JV Section where Sellers offering complimentary services, can JV to promote additional services that may ...
I think there should be some settings to change default timezone in orders & conversations. I'm feeling bad seeing the timestamp different than my timezone. I always have to convert it using online converter to know ...
Hi Everyone!! As "Sunil - The Moderator" said the "SEOClerks" adding different ways to pay and that's a great news for buyers, The payment options that are currently available for purchase are: Credit...
Hi Everyone!! Has anyone noticed the same or its just me? I've never seen SEOClerks live support online because every time when I need some problem to get solved quickly, I always see that SEOClerks su...
I have deposited the some $ on seoclerks but i was unable to use and withdraw it. What is the probelm here. I can not understant it.
well just wanted to tell the people , that you can create an app for your website , and place that google paly store for your clients , since the people now a days use android phone alot, so just thought some of you may ...
One more thing is SEOClerk do, if we got an ORDER the SMS us even charge 1-2 cent for SMS i don't mind, You know we take mobile with use, some time we don't have internet access to check the new orders. Here is few idea...
i think need change in online / offline status. right now the current system show direct 1 day ago , 2 day ago . but, i think we need to change like that... active ago 2 min, active ago 1 hour, active ago 6 hours, ac...
Hi everybody, can you please recommend a seller that can actually deliver Twitter followers in a reasonable time? I'm aware that Twitter's recent major update has caused huge problems, but as a reseller, I have clients w...
I purchased a gig from someone on here and after it was paid for I had a question for the freelancer. I think he is very unprofessional for not replying to any of my emails. We are talking about weeks here, not hours or ...
Hey everyone at SEOClerks forum. I'd like to take a moment to thank you all for your wonderful contributions to this forum. We appreciate your questions and answers and want to keep the conversation going. Our forum t...
Hello, Positive and negative feedback are sometime not proves to be good. Negative feedback is sometime a power for some buyers who wants to bully sellers. I have seen many cases where buyers leaves a negative feedbac...
I've been using SEOClerks for about 1 year now and one thing I had in mind was for the services on the left margin, under the ratings, their could be a count "Total number of completed orders"" and that will display the ...
Hello clerks nation i think you guys have seen our new bumping system, but it's quiet complicated can anyone here please explain ? Also give your feedback on this change. - Sunil Bishnoi
hello, i already withdraw my money 1week ago. but until today i didnt get my money transferred into my payoneer account. can someone tell me how long does it take for money from ionicware to be transferred into my payone...