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Hi, I am just asking this now because one of my order just now has been cancelled for this reason,(Buyer has created a Paypal dispute against your order.)I got this reason from SEOClerks,
But my question is it fair enough? what is the fault here of a seller?
I have delivered the order on time, and worked hard on that, and suddenly it will be cancelled for a reason that i am not involved? how it can be fair? and that means my work was for free?
I thought payment advance receives seoclearks then after completing we get payment, but i want to know what is the mistake of seller here,and what should i do now? its being very hard to get an order,
so sad now,
Hope some one will guide me,
thanks advance, expecting a suggestion,
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Everything will be OK. As Sunil said, SEOClerks will help you get your money. This person is just trying to scam you and he won't win.
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I got reply from support they said as soon as SEO Clearks win the dispute my order will go back to its original status,They didnt provide a timr frame, I just asking time, Money is not fact,
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If buyers try to scam by doing paypal dispute seoclerks will be there and in most cases seoclerks win the dispute and put the order back into working state and you will get your money
- Sunil Bishnoi Hi, If buyers try to scam by doing paypal dispute seoclerks will be there and in most cases seoclerks win the dispute and put the order back into working state and you will get your money :) so in most cases 90%+ you don't have to worry. [B]- [U]Sunil Bishnoi[/U][/B]
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