
Answers from user iamawriter Page 3

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A flag counter indicating from which country a visitor comes to your website will give you an idea of whether there is global interest. I have a flag counter on my blog and each time a visitor arrives I either get to see...

  • iamawriter
    iamawriter Level 1
  • 25 8 years ago

    I know some tricks like pressing @ in a group you are on it displays users on the group and putting off your receipts makes you invisible on whatsapp, you can view messages of people without them knowing. What tricks do ...

  • Dhanidhamy
    Dhanidhamy Level 1
  • 30 8 years ago

    Custom themes can be quite expensive especially if you are a start-up. But the benefit is that your website could look a lot more professional if it has a custom and unique theme that no other business or website uses. I...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 26 8 years ago

    I've been thinking of doing market research online for companies and websites as a side job, but I've heard a lot of negative reviews from people who've gone down this path. They say companies tend to exploit researchers...

    31 8 years ago

    What I mean with dead website is a website that has noupdates for 1 year. And since it has become static for a long time, most likely there are no more visitors excepts the usual bots. Given the task to revive the dead...

  • Corzhens
    Corzhens Level 1
  • 22 8 years ago

    I am an owner of a forum that talks about how to make money online and used Google Adsense to monetize it. I used simple machines forum because it's easy to use and there's lots of customization but my problem is how to ...

  • rage35
    rage35 Level 1
  • 25 8 years ago

    I am very poor at getting referral links shared with my friends at Social Media sites. I had joined a handful of forum sites and writing online sites but I do not know what I should write to inform my friends that the si...

  • peachpurple
    peachpurple Level 1
  • 35 8 years ago

    A friend of mine is looking to hire a writer soon and very skeptical about the kind of writers out there. What is he expected to be on the look out for when making his choice? Does country of origin come into play here? ...

  • CurtWriter
    CurtWriter Level 1
  • 22 8 years ago

    I am currently on my gap year and I'm doing some of my own business. But I am doing some paid posting on the side to earn a little bit of money. I have a set amount of posts that I do on forums to make a decent amount th...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 41 8 years ago

    If I only have $100 to invest in an online business, what is the best way to spend it? Or is it even enough for this sort of business? If, say, I decide to invest in affiliate marketing, I would have to spend some mon...

  • mybarya
    mybarya Level 1
  • 36 8 years ago

    Have you heard the phrase "video is king"? Video is becoming a powerful marketing tool, especially on social media these days. If made well and used correctly, videos have the chance to capture people's attention and hop...

    29 8 years ago

    We all work during the day and throughout the week. You can quite easily burn yourself out. That's why destressing and relaxing is very important. This is where your hobbies come in - the activities that you love doing a...

  • Tronia
    Tronia Level 1
  • 75 8 years ago

    My friend has a blog where she has written about her life and her travelling experiences. She has not really been able to attract that much readers. She has been trying to advertise her blog by using social media website...

  • Pixie06
    Pixie06 Level 1
  • 38 8 years ago

    Just want to say thanks to the ionicware for building such partner sites similar to this. There new postloop is brilliant and fast response time as well. Great admin and a joy to use daily, I have not used the service as...

  • keen2write
    keen2write Level 1
  • 21 8 years ago

    Many writers are in their beginning, and they can't afford to pay a professional editor, and in this situation, they would choose us the readers, to give them our opinion about their work. If you would be a writer and ne...

  • wallet
    wallet Level 1
  • 29 8 years ago

    Sir, When or how can I be upgraded to level 2? Please give details about the upgradation process.

  • Nipa1990
    Nipa1990 Level 1
  • 10 8 years ago

    I spend more time on Seoclerk and other freelancer sites but I am still feeling difficult when finding a good writer for my blog and websites. Some provided me not good articles while some are good but still needing to b...

  • itommy
    itommy Level 1
  • 38 8 years ago

    I had a grand plan of creating a blog about pets. But I gotso many negative comments that it would be difficult to get a good number of viewers because pet blogs are a dime a dozen, so to speak. I was advised to think ...

  • Corzhens
    Corzhens Level 1
  • 32 8 years ago

    The Internet is developing more and more every day. I remember the early 2010s; forums were still popular. However, I am seeing people on forums less and less as they jump ship to go to other kinds of media like blogs or...

    45 8 years ago

    With the increase in use of technology, is earning money a lot more difficult due to the increase of people looking for work online? I've noticed that finding freelance work is a lot more difficult because you always get...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 84 8 years ago

    A lot of people spend a lot of their time on the web design aspect of their websites, blogs or forums. This is because users tend to judge a website on its appearance and theme. First impressions are extremely important ...

  • DarthHazard
    DarthHazard Level 1
  • 41 8 years ago - One of the most fun and cool little tools Google is giving us had just got an important update. I've been using it in my SEO audits, together with Google page speed insights for some t...

  • Cristian
    Cristian Level X3
  • 12 8 years ago

    When you make your account on Facebook you never think that someone will take your pictures and make an account for themselves to use however they wish. Well, people actually do this and it's a horrible thing to do bec...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 30 8 years ago

    We all know that social media is one of the best means in generating traffic and site views. But aside from them, what other platforms are you guys using? I am thinking Reddit and Digg but I'm just curious as to what you...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 34 8 years ago

    I go there every day to look at my current videos, as well as upload new ones while making improvements to my current ones to attract more people to my fan base.

    43 8 years ago

    One of the many ways to earn money online is by doing freelance writing work. A good way to find customers is to create a blog or a website and list your services. Make sure you take advantage of SEO and make yourself vi...

  • roxanam84
    roxanam84 Level 1
  • 19 8 years ago

    Everyone knows what customer service is and we've all been on the end of both good and bad customer service. The bad ones we remember, the good ones we take for granted. One of the top reasons a customer flips and go...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 12 9 years ago

    When I think outsourcing,I think of it as finding great help at a great price, but some people that out source tend to waste money and time out sourcing. When out sourcing you want to make sure that every thing and any ...

  • CryptoGuru
    CryptoGuru Level X3
  • 11 9 years ago

    I've been busy on Youtube and I am ready to take the next step to making more professional videos. I don't want to spend a huge amount of money to start. What route would be recommended for editing videos? Painless...

  • Lynne
    Lynne Level 1
  • 20 9 years ago

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