Have you seen these new .photos top level domains? Have you bought one? What type of site would you suggest this for?
Do you have a back up emergency plan for your forum, just in case your forum databases are corrupted or your forum is hacked? What if division in the forum community causes your forum to split up and fail? What would y...
I get so many ideas for forum posts by reading magazines on my hobbies and usually the articles don't explain fully everything needed to know. And, for questions left unanswered, I will usually find a niche hobby forum ...
Let's say that I have found a very unique forum niche, that very few others have explored. If this niche has a small but devoted fan base, is it worth pursuing?
Is there really a need for forums now? For instance, with the other social networks, do forums even need to exist? Of course, you have the situation where they need technical support forums for a specific product such ...
Do you employ a reputation or karma system on your forum? And, does this type of system encourage favoritism or actually serve to let others know the true worth of other forum members.
Is it ever possible to revive a forum community once it's gone inactive or just better to shut down the forum or reboot and start again?
What are some tips to help a forum remain unique and not become a clone of other sites?
What are the best ways to keep track of the posts made by forum members in a post contest? What are the hazards of this type of forum posting contest?
What are some tips for helping forum members prepare for the forum being sold or handed over to a new owner? What can you do to ensure the forum stays intact.
When is the best time to schedule forum maintenance so as not to inconvenience the least number of members? Is there an ideal time and how do you prepare members for what's coming?
Do you have a favorite job as an admin or moderator? Maybe you like interacting with the forum members or solving forum member issues or just being on forum as part of the staff.
On most forums where I am active daily,the forum flood limit is usually one post per minute or thirty seconds. and, this seems to be more than reasonable considering how it should take at least that amount of time for a...
Though debates are a good way to keep things exciting, there are times when a debate might flare up and be taken to ugly places. Should you quell the excitement and enthusiasm in a debate before it gets to this level? ...
Is there just one job that you would consider to be the toughest job (as staff or owner) when running a forum?
Choosing the right forum name can mean the difference between a success and a forum fail as the name dictates how others see your forum. How hard is it to choose a forum name and what are some of the factors you should ...
A support forum is an excellent idea for any technical or services related business as it gives you the chance to provide enhanced support for your customers. Have you started your own support forum?
Do you use certain mods to combat spam such as Askimet? Or, do you have a full time spam team on your staff to combat forum spam?
Who is in charge on your forum or who is the boss, such as the person that gets things done?
You could choose to have one forum for many of your related sites or one forum for each site. If you choose to run a different forum for each site, then you will have to manage each one and that will increase costs for ...
Forums are a good place to socialize and meet others who share a similar opinion. And, for this reason, a forum can also be a good place to encourage activism for a good cause. Do you use your forum for this purpose?
Would you consider yoga to be a sport or just a fitness routine, such as something you would do to get into shape?
I like my iPad as it's a work station on the go or at home when I want to relax. I like all the options it gives me for work or play.
It's disconcerting how Facebook allows anyone to message users on Facebook. There is no setting which allows me to just get messages from friends. All messages not from friends go to my other folder, but I'd rather rec...
I would rather pay $30 for one really good, in depth article than $10 for a really lousy article full of typos and inaccuracies. Just one quality article is worth way more to my blog than a dozen hastily written/spun a...
If I'm buying a blog post or article I will expect the following things from my writer: Good communication skills, clear grasp of English language Good research skills Excellent proof-reading, no typos (I don't want ...
I have tried using some article writing services online with paid writers, but the quality of the writing is not very good as the writers as usually not native English speakers so the language used in the article is not ...
What are some of the 'truths' you have discovered about freelancing? These would be things you did not know before going into freelancing.
Can I still use GoDaddy Cash parking for my parked domains even if I don't have an Adsense account? Or, how would I get paid?
When was the last time you logged in to check your domain name? Or, have you logged in at all since you purchased the domain? And, if so, for what reason?
What are some ways to create an unbreakable password for accessing your domain or hosting? And, what strategies can you use for protecting your password so that it doesn't suffer hacking?
My webmaster insists that I give him the login for everything including hosting and domains so he can maintain that. I feel hesitant. Is this necessary?
What's the worst that could happen if someone guesses your password and logged into your account and transferred your domain or in other ways tampered with it?
Was your domain account ever accessed illegally by someone else? What company did this happen with?
Is it necessary to change or update your password regularly for your domain company account?
Sometimes, I have a customer who is so picky and demanding and even when I do my best work, they are not satisfied. And, I know it's not my fault as other customers are perfectly happy with the same results. How do you...
How long would you have to recover an expired domain name? For instance, would you need to pay the very day it's due or could you wait a week?
Let's say you are doing well in Google search and then suddenly people stop showing up to the site. Is that an indicator you have been blacklisted by Google? And, if so how do you find out?
What are some tips to write an effective press release for release over numerous sites so that the content does not suffer some type of duplicate content? Or, is it even smart to put out a press release?
If Google is so effective, then it should produce lots of traffic. But some big retail sites claim to only get a small fraction of their daily traffic from search engines and most from social networks, partnerships and ...