I have a word file with requirements of the data I will like depicted on th...
Hi, i need someone to create an explanatory video about my website, we do p...
I need to integrate a system created in Visual Basic e Visual Studio wit Za...
Hello, i need a tool which can log all .exe files including portables run b...
Below you see the correct header but I want to have this header on all my p...
Hello, I need someone to create me every simple YouTube bot that uses BROWS...
Hello, I m looking for someone to help me to redesign my website. I want so...
I want you to take excel file containing 20 categories colums and over 500 ...
Please view this series of image files, i would like image one is one page ...
We need redesign of this site www.epolsodavac.com, have new index in http: ...
here is the prompt let me know. https: onedrive.live.com redir?resid A747CD...
Looking For Visual Basic .NET Coder to code me a multithreaded bot. You nee...
Hello all on seoclerks, i very need a youtube video bot.. anyone can do it?...
I am a music producer and I need to have an adobe after effects audio visua...
Hi , i want edit a software name .please help me ,this is easy job
I want to buy a Visual credit card for 2 which i can use to shop online and...
Hello i need someone for give me a solution in vb net. I want to click on a...
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