Writing is a form of expression. I am not an expert and I don't have to be. As long as I'm happy when I am able to write down my thoughts, share them in every way I want to, and that I don't step on or hurt anybody for t...
Working as a freelancer and earning from it is a fulfilling experience, but keeping up the good work is harder than I thought. Sustainability and perseverance and motivation are keys to continuously be in that job. But ...
I currently love what I do being a content writer for sites. But at the back of my head, I am aware it won't pay off all my so-called needs and wants. I need other decent paying online jobs to hit that daily income rate ...
Can anyone give us bits of advice for freelancers on what to do in order to have secured retirement life?
I am kind of worried for us freelancers in a long-term perspective. Freelancers are considered self-employed citizens who are still bound to pay and receive government-mandated benefits. Are you still paying your governm...
I see a few people here and in other blog sites who can post flawless and really high-quality contents. I learned quite a number of tips and styles even I'm just a newbie. Still, I want to learn more in a deeper sense. I...
I'm really confused on where to put my hard-earned money. I badly need a 101% assurance in my decision. There's no place for me to commit an error with my choices regarding money matters, no excuses, no sorry at the end....
English is a universal language and I don't need to expound further why. But what I've just mentioned cannot be understood by a non-English margin of a population. What if this is the best blog site in the online world?...
I have PayPal and Payoneer that use for my freelanced jobs online but they painfully charge me a few bucks everytime I do transactions with them. I feel like they're taking half of my earnings from hard labor while they'...
Few weeks left before saying goodbye to 2017. We had different experiences, with highs and lows, success and failures, death for some while others welcomed a new baby in the family, a number of lucky ones won the lottery...
I transcribe once in a while and I am just wondering if there are people who get paid bigger than blogging on sites and forums. Does transcription pay really well for some as a freelancer cause in my own experience, I ...
I am a blogger but I have not thought it over on what I do I really want after 5 to 10 years. Will I take this too far and make it a major career in my life if I see I am good enough? It never crossed my mind on what's m...