
2018: Are you prepared for it?

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2018: Are you prepared for it?

Few weeks left before saying goodbye to 2017. We had different experiences, with highs and lows, success and failures, death for some while others welcomed a new baby in the family, a number of lucky ones won the lottery while some turned from riches to rugs.While there were people who already departed and we are still here breathing, how prepared are you for 2018? What and how do you see yourself next year?


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Eleven more days til 2018. Cheers to all of us here who are thankful despite the ups and downs of 2017. May we all keep moving forward no matter what life throws in front of us. I hope and pray for a prosperous future for all of us and that may we have the strength to rise up and move when faced with challenges. Godspeed fellow writers and freelancers.

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The new year already has come. Its now 2019 that is coming. This will be the new year that we will be facing. Every year are not the same. Each year has its own blessings and difficulties. Let us all have to face it. We can face it if we are still alive.

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Today is October 1, 2018. Nine months have passed since January 2018. Time flies so fast. Two months to go and then 2019 will come.

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Today is October 31, 2018. Tomorrow will already be November 1, 2018. Two months more and 2018 will be no more.

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It looks like this comment of yours is also applicable to the coming 2019 and I am also hoping that it will be another good year for the freelancing industry. I have noticed that the number of my freelancer friends is growing and I am happy about that because I don’t see them as competition albeit they are my peers who give me tips on how to earn more money in our trade.

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Certainly I would like to keep working as a Freelancer too. However, I would like to be more independent on it. I'm currently searching for a better chance, like online translation on medical health field, which will be great for me. It hasn't been easy, so I hope I can find something related to it, and make better earnings on 2019.

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I'm very well prepared to conquer in 2018, though 2017 started on a very dull note but thank goodness that it gradually picked up toward the sixth month and from then till now it still maintaining it tempo and progressing at a geometric rate so with this I'm believing 2018 will be better.

I have made a lot of mistakes these past years and I have sat down to analyze them while believing it will never repeat itself and I'm taking a different route now and expecting positive results.

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I also made a lot of mistakes specially few years ago. I am sensing that this year would be a good start to do the good things but I don't know as to why I am deeply emotional in the first months. Now I know why as days, weeks and months went by, I got to realized that I have to experience all those emotions and hurt a lot for me to become stronger and that really happens to me right now. I may be emotionally week but all those happened to me really made stronger than ever before.

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This is true. All our negative experiences make us stronger in the long run. We should keep going whatever happens. A lot of us gain valuable insight as we go through the motions of life.

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You are right. You need to be strong when there is a storm because if not, you will really fail. You can be depressed and it's very difficult to overcome that sickness if you got it already so valuing and loving yourself and your family is important and keep on being optimistic. Being positive will really help everyone to keep on moving forward. That's what I realized. Believe in yourself, God and pray, it will really make you stronger. I hope this will be a good start to everyone and our blessings.

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I like your message. It's filled with hope and optimism. I believe we need more of it. The world can be a cruel and harsh place. But let's remember that there's goodness out there. Reach out and find the good in nature and life.

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Thank you. Actually I have to be positive because I have been through a lot of frustrations, regrets and painful experiences before. I still have these pain but If I do keep on thinking those things, it will just make my day bad or even more worst. You have to force your mind that you can still be happy and successful even though you have experience those painful things. You have to stand up on your own because if you depend on others but you're not moving and you don't put a lot of effort, it's still useless. There will be time that they will leave you behind and you just depend on those people. Yes, we should share our good vibes to everyone especially these days. A lot of young folks are deeply depressed now a days.

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I like your spirit. I hope you continue to share these feelings of optimism with those around you. We need more goodness and positive things in life. The youth today should focus on the great side of things.

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Thank you. Yeah, I really want to share some advice to whose who have that kind of problems because I know how they feel. Actually one of the reasons why millenials are prone to depression because of what they see on social media. They will compare their selves from what they see in facebook or in social media. Youth today should be the model and inspiration to the young ones.

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That's true. Social media was supposed to be a way to reach out to others. Instead, it became some sort of popularity and richness contest. Another example of a great idea corrupted by the world.

So I salute you for being an inspiration to others. Don't ever forget how even your small actions may carry over meaningful effects across different lives.

They'll always mean something. For better or for worse. So why not choose optimism?

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Yeah right! Before I used to be so negative but I realized that being pessimist is not a good idea as this will ruin your life and might get depress. Optimism is the right thing to do. So I agree with you that choosing optimism is the best option for you to stay happy and contented. Not only me can be the inspiration but it must all of us who think that optimism is the way to succeed so let's share our good vibes to others. Let's be an inspiration to the millenials.

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Preparation is a great thing to do. Its just like planning. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. In the same way, if we fail to prepare, we prepare to fail. Preparation is very important thing to do.

Preparation for the future is also good. Its good that you prepare before actual things happen. Just like in a coming of a storm. You got to prepare already by going to safe place before the great storm or hurricane comes.

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You are indeed right. Preparation is great to deal with things most especially when there's upcoming storm so anytime it will be there so since there are still or plenty of time to prepare then we've better get things done before anything else come.

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It's funny how simple motivational quotes convey so much depth. That saying about planning to fail shows how lack of motivation can lead to a bleak future. So it's important for us to find our source of passion and inspiration. Go after it and do something to make your dreams a reality.

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I've felt the same way. Taking different roads can help with avoiding past mistakes. But the greatest lesson is learning to forgive yourself and moving on.

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Today is October 9, 2018. Today is the birthday of my wife. We have already celebrated her birthday last Sunday.

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We will soon say goodbye to 2018. 2019 is fast approaching. Few more days and the month of October is going to be over.

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2017 started good for me but came very weak towards this end. Thankfully I still hold on to positivity. Honestly, I can't wait for 2017 to end even though I refuse to think that 2017 is a thick year for me, and that I have to be grateful. But I am aiming for a more prosperous year for me.

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Same here. I find that things change for better or for worse. 2018 has been nice so far but it's kind of unstable. Sometimes you feel good about what's happening. And then you end up feeling sad about certain matters in your life.

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I am more grateful for 2017 but it has been a tough year for me. Since it started, I always knew it was not going to be a good year because it started on a bad note. I can say I have tried my best to overcome some things and because of that, I am very well prepared for 2018.

I see myself being able to handle life on my own come next year. I will try to settle things earlier since I will be preparing for graduation and maybe applying for a job too. All these in God's will.

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Different kind of life events but similar struggle. Same here for me. 2017 started almost on the bad side. But I always feel like I am like a phoenix that struggles to transform and fly. It's been hard and so strenuous but a lot of things learned and hoping for a better 2018. And just like you said, all of this in God's perfect time and will.

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I like how you put it. We definitely are like a phoenix struggling to transform. I'm reminded of a butterfly that's still trapped in its cocoon. I wonder when we'll get back to soaring high in the sky.

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I agree. We've all gone through difficult things in the past year. These experiences help us become better persons. We learn from our mistakes and use our gained knowledge for the betterment of people's lives.

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That's hopeful. We could use more people like you. The world can be so much better. Let's keep pushing forward in our lives.

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Yes, I am getting prepared for the forth-coming year seriously. It's really good to prepare ahead as it helps to set and hit targets. Most things we do that we always succeed in are those things that we prepared for. Living a life of no plans is just like a student who is being given an impromptu test or examination. Obviously, such a student may fail due to no prior notice.

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Preparing ahead for the coming year, 2018, can bring better results than going into the new year with arrows spread and not pointing to one direction. I hope it is going to be a year of most of your plans coming to a better end and for the ideas you have to materialize into realities. I hope we all live to see the new year of 2018.

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A lot of things in life happen unexpectedly. I feel like this year shows just that. I know we'll have more surprises to come. But I'm positive that things are looking up.

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You're right. There are surprises in life that can come unexpected. I hope I will have more surprises in life.

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I've experienced positive stuff as the year went by. So I'm thankful for these things because they made my life brighter and happier. There's always good to be found in the smallest of things. Life's blessings are always just around the corner.

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Planning for the future may improve our quality of life. There's no guarantee to what will happen next. But we must play the game and play our cards right. Maximize our potential and limit our losses. God bless on what's to come.

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My entire year went through the stress. You can see that it can be really tiresome when the year is gone into work all the time. So I am hoping to take some break in next year and explore more outside the comfort zone. That's something I am planning when it comes to working. Because there does seem to be the things that may not always help. You can see that being prepared about the future is a good thing. Because if we keep counting of years we run of the experience. And that's something I don't want.

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I can relate. No one likes losing time. Especially, losing time to stuff like work. Our experiences in life are important to us. We only have one chance to get it right. So it's best to make things count.

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Yes. So far this year I have managed to put some things in proper order. I can tell you that some of the months are not that good. But I have managed to put up on proper financial order. And hope that rest of the other months things remain the same and good progress ahead.

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That sounds great. I've had a similar experience. It's really sad during months of waiting and lack of proper income. But once things have settled, I see how things are gradually improving for us.

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This has been a good year so far. I have been able to grow my business and I am currently developing some new products which I expect to sell by the start of December. I have also planned some of my marketing strategies for next year. I want to increase my sales revenue by attracting new customers.

I currently work as an online tutor, seller and writer. I hope to find new opportunities to earn next year. I also want to upgrade my skills and I am actually following some new courses.

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I hope that you've achieved a lot since then. So many of us have succeeded with our goals. So with every failure comes knowledge and experience. It brings us closer to being better professionals in terms of job performance.

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I wouldn't say a few weeks to be fair because we still have about 2 months before it will be 2018. But yes, it is quite close which is quite scary, to be honest, the years are going so fast. I think 2018 will be a good year for me, hopefully, *fingers crossed*. It will be a year that I will definitely start working much harder and hopefully, I will be starting university nearer the end of 2018 as well.

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2017 has been a really great year for me. I launched my online business. I also launched my brick and mortar business. My child was also born this year.
I am looking forward to 2018. In 2018, I want to make my websites my primary source of online earning. My brick and mortar business is a partnership business. In 2018, I want to increase my shares on my brick and mortar business and make it at least 50 percent holding.

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8 Weeks approximately. I think I'm ready for 2018. The only thing I usually hate about new years is getting one year older.

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It's crazy how fast time has flown by really. I can't believe it's 7-8 weeks to the new year. I have to agree with you about that, I don't think anyone enjoys getting older unless you're a little kid of course. And even they will start hating getting older after a few years lol

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And now it's just around 2 months before the year ends. 2018 has been a relatively slow year for me. But I hope more good things approach us as the year draws to an end. It's often when we least expect it that we get what we want.

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I laughed a lot when I read that. No one likes getting older. Especially, if you're past your early 20's. It's like approaching the period where you get old and wrinkly. The only good thing about it is the wisdom gained through years of living.

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Of course, I am having more plans for 2018 and I hope I can apply them and having more successes.
I have more websites and I am going to create new sites in 2018, I am sure it will have tons of works ahead but I should do in steps and trying to finish them.

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All of us needs to be prepare since we can't turn back time and we need to move forward whatever problems we are facing. I am already prepared for 2018 and I see myself as a successful employee in our company. Since this year I got promoted and maybe by next year, I a more dedicated to my work than I used to be.

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This year was kind of unexpected. We had gains and losses in different areas of life. I found peace with accepting things as they are. There's freedom in waiting for the right time.

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Things happens with a reasons. Good or bad we need to accept it. Failure help us to persevere and eager to get what we want. Do not give up. Life is beautiful.

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I like how you said that. Life is indeed beautiful. That's why we shouldn't waste time thinking too much of things. Instead, let's embrace change as a positive mindset.

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Yes, I believe that as long as we live there is hope. We need to be prepared for whatever might happens in the future.

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And when you think about it, the future is full of possibilities. I like the unexpected nature of life. Let's hope for the best and strive for a brighter future.

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That is true. Things might be different in every years but do not let it just happens. Try to look things in better views.

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I have just heard a sermon last Sunday about God's promise of giving us a bright future. Its found in Jeremiah 29:11. For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. May all of this plan of God happen to our lives.

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That's really hopeful. May it come true for all of us. This gives us a sense of joy in knowing of the good things to come. Such is the blessing of the faithful at heart.

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I am hoping for so much more in 2018. 2017 was full of terrible heartbreak for me, but 2018 is already starting to look like it is going to be a great year. I just got a new teaching job, and I am fixing my car, so I am getting my life back together after a bad break-up and some personal tragedies. I am also doing a lot of poetry readings to support my new book, so things seem to be on the upswing, and I intend to keep them going that way as I head towards the new year. I would like to wish everyone here in this forum the best 2018 to come as well--may you all prosper and have your healthiest desires fulfilled!

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Sorry to know about all those sad moments JoeMilford, but I'm pretty sure you will get over those for good. Based on the fact you are a great writer, maybe writing about all that happened and how you are getting over it, will help you even more. Wishing you good luck, and a lot of success!

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Thanks for your concern and your words of encouragement, and I would like to wish the same good fortune to you for 2018 and even more years to come. I think some of my recent wounds are too fresh to write about just yet, but I will probably touch on these things down the road, even if I just write about them for myself as a means of therapy or catharsis. I think that it is good to get our demons out through writing and art, and that approach has always helped me. Furthermore, I really appreciate you saying I am a good writer, and I have enjoyed reading your posts over the last few months.

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Thanks for your great posts and comments too, I always enjoy reading them and posting back to you, for sure you have a natural talent for writing and that's obvious. I know you will eventually feel better, and I agree with you when you say express ourselves through writing is a catharsis. Writing let us show our deep inner self, and that's sharing a piece of ourselves with others. Go for it man, I know you have a lot to show and share with us.

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This post was a great way to start my day. You demonstrate here what these forums can also be about--supporting and inspiring one another. Thanks so much for your compliments on my writing, and I enjoy reading your as well, once again. I hope that this new year offers all of us freelancers new writing opportunities and better and better opportunities to improve our work and to increase our incomes. There are some things we can prepare for in a new year, or at any time, but life is largely a venture we can't plan for because of all of the unexpected things it throws us. It is good to, now and then, give others a kind word of encouragement, so I really appreciate it.

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Anytime man, I'm a fan of your posts and comments, and I can see you do a great job, and for sure good job must be recognized. So, thanks for your kind words too, because I appreciate them a lot. For sure, is hard for me to live under my country's conditions, so coming here to do freelancing it's also a way to keep my mind away from all of it, and support through your words make it even better. Thanks a lot.

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@joe glad to hear that you got a new job and your life is on track already. For me, 2017 was a mixed year. My baby was born in May and it was a great moment of joy. However, I had a major financial loss in 2017. It will take many years to recover.

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Congratulations on your new addition! This new job is great, but because of my previous financial situation, I am fighting through various credit and legal issues, so i am not out of the woods yet. My point is, we all have these setbacks in our lives, but you can overcome them, and I am sure that your new baby will give you even more inspiration to continue striving for further security and success!

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That you very much. He is already teaching me so many things (for instance how to change diapers, and I might write an article titled how to change diapers-far dads).
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year

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Oh, my... I'm so ready (and exciting) for it!

I think 2018 will be an awesome / incredible year because I have many great plans to turn into reality... Plans that I have been organizing for so many years.

I can already see the year 2018 being spectacular. 2018: Are you prepared for it?

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I think it's been spectacular in terms of TV shows. We had lots of great seasons this year. I wonder how they'll follow up such compelling episodes. Also, so many people are having good news lately.

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I'm eager to see what 2018 holds for us, but one thing that I'm sure of is that it is going to be a year of breaking through all those challenges that I couldn't surmount in 2017. Also, my plans for the upcoming year is to live a life of dropping frivolities and chasing the real things of life for 2017 was missed with both. Being alive to witness 2018 will certainly be a good experience too.

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And now we're already at the second half of the year 2018. I hope most of us have achieved our goals. And for those who haven't done so, don't lose hope. Tomorrow is another day. Our dream shall never die.

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I am going to be moving to a new apartment next year and it's going to give me a lot more freedom to work on my blog/forum. And I am going to do my very best to kick it into high gear. And by high gear I would be happy if I can get it back up to 200 unique visitors a day again.

P.S. my real life is a mess right now and I just don't have the time it takes to put into my blog/forum right now. And I am packing for a move so I am super busy in real life. But I do give my blog/forum attention every single day, I always post either in the forum or blog every day.

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I have been living in a village since 5 years. In 2018, I am planning to move to the city, the city where I spent my childhood, my teens and became an adult.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

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Good to hear that. I assumed you already transferred to your home city. 2018 is almost done and we are about to enter another new year. I am hope you have a blessed 2018.
Anyway it is nice to get back to a place where we grew up. Nostalgic memories.

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The second innings of the year 2018 has already started, The first half went away without bringing me any substantial results. Some of my ambitious projects did not do good. I made losses with some of my investment. However, my life in my home town is very peaceful. Instead of material things, I can still think about the birds, jungles, rivers, lakes and fresh air.

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Sad to hear that but you know am happy that you took that things in positive way. Loosing investment is not a joke. But being more motivated will surely good things smoothly follows. Province is best place to go to for short vacation. Fresh air,green environment and few people are so relaxing.

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My experience has taught me that not every thing can be achieved. What you can achieve and you cannot depend on your capacity. There is a vast amount of water in a lake. If you have a tumbler, you can only fill a tumbler, if you have a pitcher, you can fill the pitcher.

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That's very wise. Reminds me of adage and other sayings about life. I think we should reflect more when we have the time. It gives us a sense of closure for stuff we may have failed at.

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You're very fortunate to have a peaceful life. This is what others simply want. And yet they cannot attain it. So let's be grateful for what we have.

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Actually there is 1 month and 3 weeks to go before we welcome 2018. I am sure looking forward to this even number year, hopefully, I could earn more money online and get a full time job to draw a decent salary. This will be my first step into the working society after 10 years staying at home, taking care of my kids. Now that they are grown up, it is time for me to start socializing with the real world. I sincerely hope that 2018 will bring me joy and self improvements.

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I hope you got your wish. I'm positive we've done meaningful stuff since then. It's only a few more months now before December. I'm already hearing Christmas songs on the radio this early.

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Yes, 2018 will soon be here. 2017 has been a rough year for me. What I am prepared to do in 2018, is to see what it may have to offer and to cope with whatever may come in the best way that I may. I just hope it will have better opportunities on offer when compared to 2017

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It's actually here right now. And will soon be replaced by the following year 2019. I've learned so much over the course of it. Now all that's left is to keep going and finish well in the last few months.

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The last semester of 2017 has been my most productive period so far since venturing into the world of online earning and freelancing. I believe that the previous years' work and experiences have prepared me for what I am currently enjoying at this time. I'm ready for 2018 and for all the challenges it may offer. I've been through the worst period of my business and career in 2015 through 2016 and from there, there's no way but up. I'm positive that 2018 will be the best year ever.

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I don't really have plans and I don't think I have made plans for new years day for years now. I just treat it like any other day to be honest. However, I do have a few projects that I am going to start when the year starts, although that mostly just has to do with the companies I will be using because I am not able to use them right now and instead have to wait until January. Otherwise I would just have started much earlier. I also have a few tasks that I'm too lazy to get done by this year so I'm waiting until next year to get them fixed.

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I normally have dinner with friends on New Years day. That's about it. It's not as huge a deal as Christmas or Thanksgiving but still, it's still the last leg of the winter holiday season so it counts. It's also nice to see who took it easy on New Years eve, and who 'overdid it.'

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It is true that 2018 is not far away. I am hoping I will be able to sell my house in 2018. I have been talking about this for a long time, but now that my renter has moved out, I am going to be better prepared to do that since he had a lot of stuff in here. I will likely be getting unlimited internet soon which will help me be online more.

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I honestly can't say that I have any expectations one way or the other. I'm just going to be realistic about it and acknowledge the fact that we have no idea what awaits us. After all, it is just a unit of measurement, more than anything else. Just because the number goes up by one doesn't necessarily mean much is going to change.

Rather than risking disappointment by having certain expectations, as I've had every New Year, I'm simply going to go with the flow and see where the river takes me.

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That's a very wise thing to say. Honestly, I think you're right. We should all consider not having expectations. The future is unpredictable. And so we're only setting ourselves for disappointment the more we focus on predicting what's ahead.

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The year 2017 was a year of reflection for me.It's a year of new beggings for me.I would describe it as my turning point. It has been a hard year in many respects. I have taken the hardships as lessons and indicators of what I am not willing to tolerate in my life.

Armed with the knowledge I am quite looking forward to 2018. I am clear about what I want. I even know how to go about getting it. As I thank the universe for leading me in the right direction, I am looking forward to 2018 with expectant and open arms.

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You sound like a movie character. That's really inspiring. I feel your determination to uphold what you believe in. Let's all chase after our dreams and move forward with confidence.

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I am prepared for 2018. I am actually excited about it because I have pending business deals that are about to materialize starting on first quarter. It will be a harvest time for me. This last quarter of 2017 has been my planting season for my business. Some business deals will start to materialize by next week and I know that this will grow even more by next year as more things will materialize by that time. I'm about to finish this year strong and start 2018 stronger. I will make sure that I will meet my Christmas goals as I finish this year strong, celebrate Christmas with abundance, and welcome 2018 with excitement.

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I hope you succeeded with your harvests. I've seen many of us push through difficulties and come out on top. I'm confident you've done well despite all struggles. Have a blessed time to come.

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I hope you have achieved everything you planned this year.

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Well, based on the fact that I'm from one of the most violent countries in the world, I'm more than happy to be safe and sound so far. My country has had a very bad 2017, lots of dead, hunger, violence, delinquency, and terrible government. That's why, one of my goals for next year is to find a job abroad. Seriously, I want to do so much more than what I'm doing right now. My family deserves a better place with better conditions, so I'm literally praying to find a chance out there. Any help is well appreciated. Wishing to all of you a happy 2018, and thank God everyday for all the good things you have, stop complaining on your life, you are truly blessed and you don't know it.

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That's so sad. I really wish for your dreams to come true. We deserve a healthy living atmosphere. Many seem to suffer due to their country's harsh conditions. I hope more are able to find stable lives abroad.

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Thanks for your best wishes Steve5, unfortunately I haven't been able to find something for me. It gets worst every day, and I'm super stressed about it, but I'm still searching around. I know my country is not the only one going under harsh conditions, but I wish it could get better, we have never had times like these we are living right now. Thanks again for caring, hoping you're having a nice living wherever you are.

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You're welcome. I'm actually living a relatively peaceful life. That's why I wish for others like you to have the same. Never lose hope, dear friend. For as long as we live, we have the chance to find great meaning and joy in life.

It might take some of us longer to find it. But I am sure that when we do, it'll be worth it.

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I'm so happy for you, and I really thank you for all your nice wishes. I would like to stay hopeful, but honestly, is getting hard and harder to find a way out of here. Where do you live? Is it some kind of island or rural area? Right now, I'm living in a small city, but the problem is general in the whole country. Cross your fingers for me please, and thanks again for caring.

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This is so sad, I hope that in this year the violence in your country has lessen or totally disappeared.

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Believe me, I hope so too. Unfortunately, is getting even worse every day, which is not a very good sign for this next year. However, let's say hope is the last thing to lose right? I believe in God, so I hope he can help us somehow. I'm doing my best trying to find a chance abroad, so I can experience to be free from violence eventually too hahaha.

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I am really preparing for 2018 and planning to become self employed. I just want to have my financial freedom in the coming year working at the comfort of my home. I have already joined an affiliate marketing program and have created a money making website too. I have made up to three posts to my website already and am planning to make at least a post to it a day.

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Sounds like a plan. I hope you've gone far since then. My friends have actually made significant progress in their pursuits. Some have lost weight. Others are living a better lifestyle.

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2018 is almost up, I hope you got to do whatever you plan this year and achieve it.

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Yes, I am ready for 2018 and I am determined to work a lot harder in 2018. I am wanting to work a lot harder than I normally do on here and also on my blogs and business websites. Having just started a new project which I just made a domain marketplace website which I hope I can get to be successful.

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It's already past the first half of the year. I'm confident many of us have achieved our goals. It's important to stay motivated as we strive to accomplish more stuff in life.

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I'm actually prepared and ready to take all the challenges that would deny my success this coming year. Whenever the year ends, I always promise myself that I need to change something and I always need to set new goals in order for me move on and to see progress on my life. I remember promising myself or rather setting a goal to myself or to others that I would buy my mom a house, like whatever it takes I would buy them and what ever challenges comes, I solve them.

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That's great. I'm sure we can achieve anything once we set our minds to it. We'll get there sometime soon. That's why we should stay motivated throughout the year no matter what happens.

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Looking back to this post and I realized that this is the best year for me so far.

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