
Discussions about featured gig

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what is the cost it will take to make the Service featured?can any one tell me ?

  • rebels
    rebels Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    How do I get my gig featured on Seoclerks? What is the cost to get my gig featured on Seoclerks?

    9 12 years ago

    tell me how much cost it takes to make my gig featured???? i want to make my gig featured. thank you...

  • seoworker02
    seoworker02 Level 1
  • 5 12 years ago

    please any one tell me what will be the cost for get my gig featured?? i want to improve my sales..

  • speedworker
    speedworker Level 1
  • 1 12 years ago

    i want to make my gig featured can any one tell me how it will done????

  • speedworker
    speedworker Level 1
  • 2 12 years ago

    Hi, i would like to know how can i make my gig featured, that is in the top of service and everybody can see it as first? Do i need to have a level or i can buy it? thx

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 3 12 years ago

    I discovered that even when the "Featured" Gig is SOLD OUT, when I Select one of the "Extras", it includes the $50 Price to have my Gig Featured even though they are SOLD OUT. Notice on the Screenshot below, it's CLEA...

  • exjordanary
    exjordanary Level X5
  • 2 13 years ago

    I have recently paid the $50 to have MY GIG "Featured" and have had a great response so far. I pretty much made the $50 back within the first 2 days, but I have noticed other Featured Gigs that have been up for weeks ...

  • exjordanary
    exjordanary Level X5
  • 9 13 years ago