
Discussions about Statuses

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I see Statuses in my profile but i don't now what is this. is there any body can give me some idea what is Statuses mean? I will be happy if you try to give me some information about statues on seoclerk.

  • wooseo
    wooseo Level 3
  • 3 5 years ago

    How to delete our public profile statuses?

  • NoraDanish
    NoraDanish Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    Hi guys, I don't know about the limit of statuses in SEOclerk. Recently I have added 4 statuses in my public profile. If I want to add more statuses, is it possible? How many statuses can I add maximum? Please answer my...

  • SarwarJahan
    SarwarJahan Level 3
  • 3 11 years ago

    I am confused about "Statuses" in my seller profile! Can anyone explain what is this, and what it stand for? I have seen some users have, "5", some have "6" and some have "2". Is it stand for any kind of sales? or c...

  • spiderwave
    spiderwave Level 1
  • 5 12 years ago

    Hi i would like to know What Means In Profile "Statuses" ? Do that affect my positive rating? Thx

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago