Hey everyone, I want to level up in SeoClerks but I don't know how. I followed all the rules here but I didn't leveled up: https://www.seoclerks.com/userlevels/ I also have no Infractions. What can I do now to level up?...
If I get Level 2, and lets say, my percentage changes to 85% will I move back to level 1? Also if I will move back to level 1 if that happens, what will happen to my services that are more than $100 and less than $5? ...
Hello, I have been inactive in SEOclerks for the past couple months. For this reason I have been demoted to Level 1 because one of the requirements for level 2 is "Login Often (once per 14 days)". So I am not sure if ...
Is it monitored which jobs were not completed on time? I had few jobs, which I couldn't deliver on time because: 1. Client didn't respond on time and I didn't get all details I needed to complete the job 2. Client ...