I wish SEO Clerks would have a raffle or contest for the community this Christmas. It would be fun and exciting for the members if there was one. What are your thoughts about this?
I have a suggestion to put forward for seoclerks. Now might sound weird like but what if seoclerks put together like a monthly contest. Like contests every month for the most popular or most earners to who ever purchases...
Have you ever entered an SEO contest/competition? And won? Or just taken part anyway just for the crack of it? Would you be interested in entering an SEO contest to see who can get the most affiliates or earnings from on...
are there any currently running seoclerks contests like the one where you get free money
Just wondering if i am still able to enter the contest where you make a 30-40 second youtube video. Thanks!
Is SEOClerks taking precautions against Cheaters?? If so, what kinds? Couldn't people essentially create multiple SEOClerks accounts, or agree to become each other's Affiliates then Split the Winnings? Then continuously...
Hi. Im sorry with the question but i am just really curios what if the contest does not reach its $10,000 minimum requirement? What will happen to the contest and winners? I have seen that there is only about $3K+ sales ...
I am trying to make my forum get some users and promote at the same time as contestant is required to give a backlink. Will SEO forum work on a tech forum, what prices can you suggest?