Does it help to offer prizes, whether monetary or virtual to get more new posts on your forum? If so, what type of forum prizes would you offer? Try to think of some unusual prize ideas.
Writing a newsletter for your community is a good way to keep everyone up to date on the latest forum news. However, sometimes, there are private matters that need to be discussed with forum staff as a group. Do you th...
Is it useful to have many forum members on board with staff badges and maybe that could cause forum members to be on better behavior or at least discourage trolling and spam. Do you think this is true?
Is there a specific post count you want to see from moderators daily? And, how do you enforce a post count?
At what point would you close or lock a forum thread? For instance, what requirements must be met before a thread is locked?
Did you ever encounter a situation where a well known forum member started asking for money from others, either on forum or in private messages? How did you handle the situation?
On sites like Reddit, it's important to bookmark more than your own links, such as the 90/10 rule. It's all part of being a useful part of the Reddit community. But do most people observe this rule for bookmarking or j...
I Am A Web Developer I Am Offering A Lot Of Services Regarding To Development And Designing But Not Getting Many Orders ...! So What Should I Do??? What Services Sell Well???
I feel like SEOClerks forum could be far more active, I am going to try to bring some of my friends and clients onto the forums to chit chat and talk more and stay up to date with active users. Maybe we should suggest ad...
Have you heard about Google trends? What is it and how can it be used by the Webmaster?
Four years ago, this lucky man made an impulsive $24 purchase in bitcoins and just now found out his investment is worth approximately $186,000 or 135,000 Euro. Check it out.
Help! My whole account was disabled. Is there any way to get another?
Do anyone know why the youtube comments are being spams? I am just tired of posting comments. All the comments are being flagged as spam. Need a solution quickly.
Do you have any forum supporters or those or donate money to your forum so that you can pay operating expenses? Does this amount exceed your forum advertising revenue? And, how is the money spent?
Have you ever spent a full hour on Facebook just surfing friends updates? Or, do you limit your time on Facebook to just a few minutes?
How many times can your post or image be shared with others on Facebook? For instance, is there a limit to daily shares of a post? Or, is this unlimited?
1. Go to Google 2. Type Zerg rush in search box 3. Hit Google search 4. Wait a moment and see the Google fun. ;)
What is it about Facebook that makes it so popular, versus Myspace or Google+? What benefits does Facebook offer that no other social networking site has?
Can you really generate interest in your Facebook page by posting in related niche Facebook groups?
On a niche forum, is it really necessary to have a chat thread or one that is for random off topic comments? This thread isn't about anything in particular but mostly random thoughts or comments. Have you used this ide...
Just found a really fun way to customize Facebook status updates. Simply click on the emoticon, then choose 'feeling' and enter your feelings in the box. Then you are allowed to choose a smiley to fit your mood. Or, choo...
I created a Humour FB page before a week ago.... /FunAndLoveEverywhere Just got 115 likes...... How can I promote my page??? Note:Not going to spend any money Looking for replies.....
What if your blog was taken down by or by your host? Do you have backups or copies of posts? How would you start over?
Do outside projects or work take you away from working on or maintaining your website or blog? How do you manage the distractions so you can get back to work on your site?
During Hurricane Sandy (2012), many local host companies reported outages for their customers. Was your host affected? Have you ever lost your hosting (temporarily) due to severe weather conditions (flood, hurricane, e...
What are weaker sides of a website? How Hackers generally hack the site-How can we prevent this?
I don't use Facebook for friends. If I need to speak to a friend, then I will just go see them or call on the phone. Putting Facebook between me and my friends is only a barrier to real friendship. So I don't use it f...
Do you have a favorite shopping search engine?
Did you ever get locked into a really lousy hosting deal or pay your money up front for hosting and later had a problem with the hosting and couldn't get your money back?
Maybe Pinterest should come up with a search engine that indexes all the various clips available, not just on their site but any clip site or any image online. That could be a useful resource.
Who is the average user of Facebook: men or women? And, what's the average age of Facebook user?
I'm always finding older pages on first page of Google for some keyword search results. Why are those pages still ranking so high on search engines?
When I use my work computer, I make searches on Google search (signed in as my main Google user account) and then when I go to my secondary computer (in the livingroom) and make searches and it shows 'this site visited' ...
Sometimes, when I'm doing a search on Google, I will come across some very interesting sites and when clicking on the links find myself staying on those sites a long time, reading other posts/pages not included in my or...
This is ironically funny. Google Webmaster Help has a broken link. Funny since Google is always stressing the importance of getting rid of broken links. You would think they could keep their own site updated and free ...
When you start a blog, you will usually have no readers. So how do you get those initial readers coming in to read your first posts? What traffic building tips can you give for a very new blog?
Sometimes it feels like Google is spying on me when i'm surfing online. It's not just how they tailor the ads to mimic other sites I've visited, but also how they keep track of activity from one Google owned site to the...
I fear I may have to have my wisdom teeth out. I am not looking forward to it at all but I have been getting sick and I am linking it to that. Hopefully they can hold out a bit longer til summer for me to get it done.
For me, a forum is just a hobby, and there is no money in my personal budget to promote the forum. That means, I'm not buying ad space or paying for backlinking services. It's always been this way. I like promoting m...
I hate spam ads, especially on Twitter or Facebook. Those ads really annoy me. Which type of advertising would you consider the worst?