
Answers from user augusta Page 36

Showing page: 36 of 41

If someone copies your sales page, you can report. And, I know this is an option. I want to know would you report? Would it make a difference who the person was that copied your sales page on SEOClerks? For instance,...

  • Daniella
    Daniella Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    A friend of mine has closed down his Blog on and would like to collect final payment if possible, though it does not meet the $100 minimum payout. Is this possible?

  • Riley
    Riley Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    How do you balance work with family time if you work at home or have a part time home business (and also work outside the home)? There are times when a mom or dad has to do things around the house even when they have pr...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 7 11 years ago

    When you have issues with your family does it seem that you are always the top dog and get sided with or do you feel that you are never sided with? Only reason I ask is bc I always feel like no one will side with me eve...

  • dhimas130184
    dhimas130184 Level 1
  • 19 11 years ago

    Help! My whole account was disabled. Is there any way to get another?

  • jonclimbfell
    jonclimbfell Level 1
  • 10 11 years ago

    Are you a member of a forum that offers promotion packages, such as 'post to earn advertising' or 'post to earn posts', etc. With a forum promotion site you can earn advertising by making posts on the site. With each ...

  • Beverly
    Beverly Level X3
  • 7 11 years ago

    My question is simple ? How can I tweek and optimise my site which by the way is a site offering christian literature, services and products for search engine optimization (SEO) ? Any answer that highlights easy to f...

  • zzkielbenson
    zzkielbenson Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    Hey Guyz! If you need blog Comment for your website contact me. i will create blog comments for your website. Get traffic for your website through Keyword and increase ranking in Google. 1. All the comments will be appr...

  • ZeeSofts
    ZeeSofts Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    I'm looking for a few tips on how to make money with adsense. I have a blog I just created using blogger. I'm currently testing by creating 2-3 posts/pages per day for 60 days to build traffic. The I might add adsens...

    14 11 years ago

    My blog is on I don't know about SEO or other sort of marketing strategy to get more visits I'm just wondering on how can I make my blog appear on search engine. any idea will be a BIG...

    10 11 years ago

    Hello Friends, I am a newbie IM, I just created a bunch of websites and got them ranked well. So recently I came to know that having too many sites monetized through a single adsense account can raise a red flag and ...

    6 11 years ago

    How can i get USA visitor for my blog.There are many website they are targeted the usa visitor for their site but i don't know how to they are get usa visitor can anyone tell me how can i get usa visitor for my site.If a...

  • Redoy94
    Redoy94 Level 1
  • 9 11 years ago

    Is it possible to earn a full time income from Adsense whether on your articles, blogs or forums? What sites can help you earn more with Adsense?

  • Griffin
    Griffin Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    Are there any tips on how to prevent on being hacked ?? If yes please post here as soon as possible. I think someone is loggin in my account daily but the hacker needs some info from me. Even i change my password daily...

  • sandaljepit
    sandaljepit Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    hello i have website with 500-1000 usa visitors per day all visitors come from google.. site is ranked on google.. daily income is 5-12 ?€ what would be its price? site have stabile positions and income.. site is...

  • intelboxer
    intelboxer Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    I really want to host my websites on free hosting sites to save a lot of money. At this moment it is a burden to me to run 4/5 websites in paid hosting. Would you please suggest me that what is the best free hosting serv...

  • rajdwip
    rajdwip Level 3
  • 14 11 years ago

    Does anybody have any real world stories of private blog networks and any success they have had setting one up, owning one, running it and ranking with it? I've got server space and bandwidth, but I don't know if I want ...

  • southsidesmoka
    southsidesmoka Level X3
  • 6 11 years ago

    Hello, Once again a question about SEO. Just want to know that do the social signals help in top ranking. Means the G+ votes, FB likes, Tweets. Do these things have any value in the eye of Google? I have seen many peopl...

  • seoboyz
    seoboyz Level X5
  • 8 11 years ago

    What are the things that would cause you to Like a Facebook page or post? For instance, do you like pages that have many posts or simply add a like to a page because many others have liked that page too?

  • Quinton
    Quinton Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    How do you keep your personal friends separate from your professional or business friends on Facebook? Or, do you have two different accounts; one for personal and one for business use on Facebook?

  • Quinton
    Quinton Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    Where can you find the best high quality free or low cost images for your blog posts? And, can you just take a photo off Google Images for blog posts?

  • Ethan
    Ethan Level 1
  • 9 11 years ago

    I absolutely think it's efficient. To put your social media in the hands of someone who really knows what they're doing will save you a lot of time and, ultimately, enable you to monetize your efforts more quickly. Th...

  • kordy
    kordy Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    Is anyone on here a car fanatic / gear head like me? I hope so.. perhaps we can spark some good conversation between all of us! Use this thread to talk about any kinds of cars you want. I figured we could all post...

  • tacitinc
    tacitinc Level X3
  • 14 11 years ago

    On many forum home pages, there is a side bar column (especially on Xenforo themes) where advertising space is available. Have you found success by advertising there?

  • Violet
    Violet Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    Did you ever post something on a forum in anger, maybe like a rant, only to be sorry for it later. But maybe you could not delete the thread?

  • Justin
    Justin Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    What will you do if you find out that a forum member is copying entire posts from another site?

  • Justin
    Justin Level 1
  • 13 11 years ago

    On some niche forums, the same questions/problems get addressed repeatedly. Just wondering if all this repeated content is a good thing or if members should post once and then move on to cover new things?

  • Justin
    Justin Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    So, I ordered twice from a seller, that I'm used to buying from him. I probably ordered more than twice from him. But one day he suddenly dissapers, I tried many attempts to contact him but I've received no answer. Is it...

  • koollukas
    koollukas Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    Other than Facebook, twitter and social media, what other ways can I market my site? I find this to be the most difficult in websites as you are in competition with everyone else. I am open to all suggestions. Thank y...

  • Sackfist
    Sackfist Level 1
  • 5 11 years ago

    What do you think about telling the truth in advertising? Of course, you want to put your product or service in the best light. But how far will you go to make the sale? Will you lie or exaggerate the truth? Is it et...

  • Ethan
    Ethan Level 1
  • 12 11 years ago

    I'm very vulnerable to advertising. For instance, if I see a pizza commercial on TV, then I will usually end up ordering pizza for dinner. How do you resist advertising or sales pressure?

  • Persia
    Persia Level 1
  • 4 11 years ago

    What is the difference between Advertising and Marketing? Can someone explain? Or give examples

  • Persia
    Persia Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    i want to earn $500 per can i earn please help me.

  • seonani
    seonani Level 1
  • 14 11 years ago

    In a sea of nearly duplicate blogs it can be difficult to distinguish one niche blog from the next. So how do you set your blog apart from others?

  • Dayton
    Dayton Level 1
  • 12 11 years ago

    When writing a post, are you writing to inform the reader or for their benefit or to express yourself and say what you know?

  • Dayton
    Dayton Level 1
  • 7 11 years ago

    I'd like to open at least five Adsense niche blogs to earn more money. Please offer suggestions on the best paying Adsense niches.

  • Dayton
    Dayton Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    Some bloggers claim to be earning thousands of dollars every month from Adsense and affiliate sales. Do you think this is actually possible?

  • Dayton
    Dayton Level 1
  • 14 11 years ago

    If you had the opportunity to invest into a social network at it's beginning, would you do so, considering the potential earnings these sites have?

  • Riley
    Riley Level 1
  • 24 11 years ago

    Does Google do anything to keep our personal information safe online? What steps does Google take to shield the Google search user from accessing phishing sites?

  • Griffin
    Griffin Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    My neighbor's dog is constantly barking. Not sure why as there are no other dogs around and no one can actually tresspass into their fenced yard. He just won't stop though. Often, the barking keeps me up late as I can...

  • Quinton
    Quinton Level 1
  • 15 11 years ago