
Discussions about gig Page 2

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What is tag limit at level 2. can anyone tell me, because 6 tags are allowed at level 1

3 5 years ago

Hi, Today, I have very very important question. I have completed over 10 sales, I have 9 positive ratings, but MY POSITIVE REVIEWS ARE NOT SHOWN ON MY GIG. To explain clearly. i have added some pics, so have a look a...

3 5 years ago

I am new on SEOClerk and i have past 5 Years of Experience in SEO and SMM Service. I have budget to feature gig But I have some doubts as I Am a new seller with 0 orders and 0 reviews should i featue it in category listi...

  • realseodeal
    realseodeal Level 1
  • 5 5 years ago

    I created a gig more than 2 weeks but my gig is not live?? i already submitted it but my gig is not approved.

    3 5 years ago

    Hi I have seen many other sellers have same service type but offer different quantities of promotion at different prices with multiple gigs which has the same image and a bit different gig title(sometimes it is same titl...

  • NwWork
    NwWork Level 1
  • 10 5 years ago

    hi! what is the maximum number of gig I can post on my clerks profile?

  • gigmasterr
    gigmasterr Level 1
  • 3 5 years ago

    Hello what should be the ideal commission fee for affiliate marketers to promote my gig? Should i add a affiliate commission to get more sales or should i put them on sale?

  • RadianArgha
    RadianArgha Level 1
  • 1 5 years ago

    In the beginning, without self-initiative, you cannot get lots of sales. Why? It’s because, everything starts from a big zero. And none likes zero. Rather, everyone doubts zero as it is unknown and untested. ...

  • softtalkhq
    softtalkhq Level 1
  • 4 5 years ago

    I have some service. I do not remove any service. Why remove my old gig. Can you reply the answer Please.

  • kaisar
    kaisar Level 1
  • 5 5 years ago

    The most common question that every newbie in this freelancer field will definitely think once in their career is :"What is the greatest gig to start with". Or to be more specific, "What is the greatest gig to start with...

    3 6 years ago

    I’m looking for somebody to write an article with video link on Forbes. If you do please contact me on PM thanks!

  • RobertMag
    RobertMag Level 1
  • 3 6 years ago

    Hello, I am Mizan1988. I am a new seller. I joined here three month ago and i am in a level 1. Already i have completed few orders. I want to create some new gigs but i don't know how many services i can make in a d...

  • Mizan1988
    Mizan1988 Level 1
  • 29 6 years ago

    Hi, everyone i am new here i want to know how many bids available for me one month and? and how i get bayer request and order in my service, Thanks

    11 7 years ago

    Recently i create a gig for YouTube views, likes,subscriber but after few moment seoclerks delete my gig. They send me message for why they delete my gig. But i can not edit my gig because they delete from there website....

  • irajibul87
    irajibul87 Level 1
  • 7 8 years ago

    A New Seller Here.... need here please on how to use seoclerks attracts leads to gigs

  • Mobiz
    Mobiz Level 1
  • 4 8 years ago

    I know this topic has beaten to death but still what methods/strategies you guys are using to promote your service and gig in 2017?

  • Linkgirl
    Linkgirl Level 1
  • 12 8 years ago

    Hello Everyone! I am new to SeoClerks. I am unable to attach a sample image to my gig. Please guide. Advance Thanks Regards Waqar

  • waqarmazari
    waqarmazari Level 1
  • 3 8 years ago

    How to improve my gig description? Please help me, so I can make more sales.

  • rock22star
    rock22star Level 1
  • 9 8 years ago

    In the gig service settings, there is a button that enables us to put the service on ''sale'' and at a much lower price than the original price. but sometimes i wonder what is the real essence of this feature since you c...

  • chetaseo
    chetaseo Level 3
  • 9 9 years ago

    I have noticed that the number of characters allowed in the gig extras has reduced drastically to only 130 since the introduction of more extras to the existing 3 making 5 gig extras. In my own opinion, though i commen...

  • chetaseo
    chetaseo Level 3
  • 9 9 years ago

    I am somehow confused here about this. please i want to know if adding a video to a gig service description helps to bring in traffic visitors, be it in social media marketing or on freelance sites or others ? I have so...

  • chetaseo
    chetaseo Level 3
  • 19 9 years ago

    If I am a disgruntled customer, how do I go about invoking a seller's guarantee? On the other hand, if I have a disgruntled customer, how do I go about refunding the guarantee percentage amount I have specified in my wor...

  • southsidesmoka
    southsidesmoka Level X3
  • 4 9 years ago

    There have been several cases where the gig services that a seller offers may not really suit the buyer requirements at that point in time. for example if a buyer needs 800 Facebook likes only and the seller is selling 1...

  • chetaseo
    chetaseo Level 3
  • 19 9 years ago

    Hi As per as I know we can purchase more service even after purchasing general order. And I heard from many buyer they do not see any option to buy more extra service with general order. And they cannot add more service ...

  • ajlancer
    ajlancer Level X3
  • 2 9 years ago

    Since i joined SEOClerks, i have noticed that the buyer has about 5 days to review his job done, either to accept or reject it or have it edited. To me, i strongly believe that this 5-day period is TOO MUCH because it i...

  • chetaseo
    chetaseo Level 3
  • 30 9 years ago

    I'm a new seller on SEOClerks and would love some tips on making more sales and earning more money as a seller. I would love to hear your experience on being a better seller.

  • samstone6688
    samstone6688 Level 1
  • 9 9 years ago

    hello i create one gig .. and seoclerks reject that and reject reason say price in the gig tittle ... ?i can not use my gig price in gig tittle or service tittle ?? i see lots of gig with the price .. why my gig is rej...

  • masud001
    masud001 Level 1
  • 1 9 years ago

    How could I create $1 service/gig here though I'm level one now. If I'm unable to create $1 service then how could I increase my level a bit higher. I want tips regarding level upgradation. I need also quick payment, I c...

  • promotycoon
    promotycoon Level 1
  • 5 10 years ago

    Hi guys, When SeoClerks tells me my service had 200 views, what exactly does that mean? Does it mean people clicked on my gig or that they just saw it among others in the search list? Please help me out here! Thank you...

  • smartdeal
    smartdeal Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    Why ? Thumb Images of All my Gigs Suddenly Disappeared & Changed to a Default Image of Folder ? Is This, Happening with you Also ? What to Do to Solve this Issue ? Please Help !!! I Got Fed Up of Uploadin...

    3 11 years ago

    Hi there! I am wondering if I marked my service as a monthly subscription, if the buyer ordered the service with addon, will the addon also follow the monthly subscription too? Example: Service XYZ cost $5/mo A...

  • maivutan
    maivutan Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    I would like to know how can I cancel an order that is LATE and where the Seller does not communicate with me to all the questions I made? I know I can do a mutual cancelation, but this is not mutual because I want to ca...

  • morg2k2
    morg2k2 Level 1
  • 3 11 years ago

    I am not able to find the actual meaning of Gig or Gigs in ??? please reply. try to find it but couldn't do. My second question is: what is the best way to withdraw money from SEOClerks account? Bank transfe...

  • svsorg
    svsorg Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    This may be really simple, but I can't figure out how. How do I mark a service Sold out? I have tried many thing but haven't been able to find out. It would be awesome if you could help me by telling me what to d...

  • AnConnor
    AnConnor Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    I don't seem to find the link for creating new services / gigs. I have browsed through all the menu items after log in. The best possibility was to find it in Manage services. But it also has no option to add a new servi...

  • smnadim
    smnadim Level 1
  • 14 11 years ago

    Do you think that it is better to make less gigs that cost more money or do you think it is better to make many smaller gigs and they add up? I have a mix of gigs on my account but am not sure I am really profitting the ...

    9 12 years ago

    What are some easy ways that I can spread the word about my gig? I am looking to spread the word about my service but I am unsure where to begin. I am really looking to get some help with this because I am new to SEO Cle...

  • Drogba
    Drogba Level 1
  • 12 12 years ago

    Hello, I am new to SEO Clerks and I am working to get my way up to Level 3 but I am having troubles on how to get my gig features so that I can get some more sales. So if anybody could lend me a hand and help me figure t...

  • Drogba
    Drogba Level 1
  • 12 12 years ago

    i am not getting a good sales from many days and from surfing seoclerks i came to know that bump is required . can you guys please tell me that how to bump the service and till what extent is this service effective ? Pl...

  • matt22
    matt22 Level 1
  • 5 12 years ago

    I don't think they are. There is just a white space where they should be. To add them, I clicked on the YouTube button in the editor and copy pasted my YouTube URL. Do you put in the entire YouTube URL or just a porti...

  • Rebesign
    Rebesign Level 1
  • 1 12 years ago