
I can fix your worpress errors & make it completely error-free for $15

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I can fix your worpress errors & make it completely error-free

If you’re experiencing issues with your website and can’t find the solution, or if you need customization work, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly. I specialize in fixing a wide range of errors, and I guarantee that I will address any issues you encounter within just 24 hours. Your website’s functionality and performance are critical, and I’m here to help ensure everything runs smoothly.

Below, I’ve compiled a list of some common errors that you might come across while managing your WordPress site. Understanding these issues can help you diagnose problems more effectively and recognize when it’s time to seek professional assistance.

1. Internal Server Error: This is a general error message that indicates something went wrong on the server side. It can be caused by various issues, including misconfigured settings or incompatible plugins.

2. Syntax Error: This error typically arises from a typo or incorrect code within your theme or plugin files. It can prevent your site from loading and may require immediate attention.

3. Error Establishing Database Connection: This error indicates that your site is unable to connect to the database, which can be caused by incorrect database credentials or server issues.

4. 403 Forbidden Error: This error means that the server is refusing to allow access to a particular resource. It may be due to permission settings or security plugins blocking access.

5. White Screen of Death: A frustrating issue where your site displays a blank screen. This often occurs due to PHP errors or plugin conflicts.

6. Posts Returning Error 404: This error indicates that the requested post or page cannot be found. It can result from broken links or permalinks not being set correctly.

7. Error Too Many Redirects: This error occurs when there’s a redirect loop, causing the browser to be sent back and forth between different URLs indefinitely.

8. Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time Exceeded: This indicates that a script has taken too long to run, which can be caused by inefficient code or server limitations.

9. WordPress RSS Feed Errors: These can prevent your site from syndicating content properly and may arise from plugin conflicts or invalid feed URLs.

10. 429 Too Many Requests Error: This error occurs when a user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time, often due to aggressive caching or a brute force attack.

11. PHP Errors in WordPress: Various PHP errors can occur within WordPress, ranging from warnings to fatal errors that can halt your site’s functionality.

12. Secure Connection Error: This error indicates that there’s a problem with the SSL certificate, preventing secure connections to your website.

13. Destination Folder Already Exists Error: This often happens when trying to install a plugin or theme that is already present in the designated folder.

14. Mixed Content Error: This occurs when a secure HTTPS page includes resources (like images or scripts) that are loaded over HTTP, which can create security warnings.

15. Failed to Open Stream Error: This error indicates that a file could not be opened, typically due to incorrect file paths or permissions.

16. 413 Request Entity Too Large Error: This error indicates that the request made by the client is larger than the server is configured to process.

17. WordPress Not Sending Email Issue: If your site is not sending emails, it can be due to server settings, plugin issues, or conflicts with email services.

18. WordPress Keeps Logging Out Problem: This frustrating issue can be caused by cookie settings, server timeouts, or security plugins interfering with the login process.

19. Add Media Button Not Working: This can prevent you from uploading images and files to your site, often due to JavaScript errors or plugin conflicts.

20. 502 Bad Gateway Error: This error indicates that one server on the internet received an invalid response from another server, often due to server overloads or network issues.

21. 504 Gateway Timeout Error: This error occurs when a server doesn’t receive a timely response from another server, typically due to slow connections or server issues.

22. 503 Service Unavailable Error: This indicates that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request, often due to overload or maintenance.

23. Malware Cleanup: If your site has been compromised, removing malware is crucial to restoring your site’s integrity and security.

24. Hacked Website: If you suspect that your site has been hacked, immediate action is required to secure it and prevent further damage.

No matter the issue you’re facing, I’m dedicated to providing fast, reliable service to get your website back on track. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any problems you encounter!

What's included

Source CodeBug Fixing


fix wordpress errors website debug bugs


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Rating breakdown

Front End + Back End 1 days $20
Fully error-free (best for hacked Sites) 1 days $30

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