Would like to have a bootstrap template linked to a vTiger CRM This is the ...
I m looking for someone to handle differents tasks before launching of a wo...
I ve a fully functionnal Web application created few years ago with Symfony...
Thanks a lot for your good communication.Thanks again.
Thank you very much for good communication.
Excellent and very honest buyer he has nice communication skill, and he discuses with worker very nicely, i want to work with him again.
Great client. Looking forward to next contract
He, probably, is one of most sensible buyer on the marketplace. Had very clear idea of what he wanted and instructions were precise. The best part was him giving actual feedback that matters. It was great working with you. Looking forward for a lasting partnership
He, probably, is one of most sensible buyer on the marketplace. Had very clear idea of what he wanted and instructions were precise. The best part was him giving actual feedback that matters.
It was great working with you. Looking forward for a lasting partnership