need 1k yt l i k e very fast instant delivery need VERY CHEAP not real y t ...
I need 11k yt vi ew s 500 l i ke very fast service ONLY CHEAP OFFERS must s...
good guy. good buyer. big thanks.
cool guy bright future ahead. enjoy m8. it is quite the story but no need for respects to me or my humble service it was just odd timing. My service does deliver as advertised though. Thanks m8.
Thanks much
Thanks much
blue check for a dollar lol. thank you, come again
this man is a legend. oops I'm still in ig comment mode lol.
this is one of the coolest buyers I ever met and is becoming a close friend. I love my job. thanks bro
Thanks again for the gig! I’m glad I could help and have really enjoyed working with you. Best of luck with your future projects. I am here when you need me.
this guy is a great friend now. he\\\'s going to get far because he has powerful people liking him and sending him to more powerful ppl. eventually when he gets to the top it could be what stars are made of. I am a mentor and few students prove worthy because most give up or most get cocky when they have a small successes. if the topic is something you don\\\'t know everything about and you find yourself in a crowd of people that claim they know everything then be a humble sponge, believe nothing, remember everything (write is down if u need to) and then test that stuff later on both ways and then confer with trusted allies results of the testing and see what they say (this does not change the outcome but can tell you how valuable it is plus gains you respect/fans) ...and THEN commit it to memory as the true way. THEN when your in a crowd that does not know everything about a topic and does not claim too be experts (thats your fanbase and the public you) you can teach them proper shit and BE the REAL expert in there lives. Lastly, if you hear a so called an expert say something that you have already proven wrong call them out in front of everyone and prove your side is right, because you know it is because you followed these steps. Doing this will make you the expert of experts. Besides that knowing Preston Hudman is the cheat code to life and that listening to him over all others in times where testing has yet to occur or will likely never occur, and having that set as your default ... you can\\\'t loose.
Thanks again for the gig! I’m glad I could help and have really enjoyed working with you. Best of luck with your future projects. I am here when you need me.