
I need someone help me get American drug and alcohol addicts in need of rehabilitation

I need someone help me get American drug and alcohol addicts in need of rehabilitation

I need a vibrant marketer to locate and get addicts in need of rehabilitation to call my clients rehab call center to seek for inquiry.
1. The caller must be located in the America.
2. Have insurance coverage.
3.Must call the helpline which I will provide and stay on the call for 4 minutes.

I will pay $9/caller
10 calls = $90
100calls=$900 etc
Please bid if you can do it

Will Trade

I need a vibrant marketer to locate and get addicts in need of rehabilitation to call my clients rehab call center to seek for inquiry.
1. The caller must be located in the America.
2. Have insurance coverage.
3.Must call the helpline which I will provide and stay on the call for 4 minutes.

I will pay $9/caller
10 calls = $90
100calls=$900 etc
Please bid if you can do it

Skills Required


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Make an Offer Created 6 years ago in Traffic

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