
Reviews on your blog, website, radio show, magazine etc

Reviews on your blog, website, radio show, magazine etc

I am looking for people whom have a large following on social media.
a radio show, a website, a blog.. etc to do a review on my Personalized Star Almanac. For each place you advertise us, I will give you another made for someone else!
There is no limit.

Will Trade

I will give you one personalized Star Almanac, shown in the photo, for each posting
Please read the information at this link and fill out the form

Skills Required


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hi there!
i have a premium blog hosted at wordpress! i'd love to feature your star alamanac on my blog and dedicate an entire post for it! i have followers and reader all over the world. i have about 200 visitors everyday!

please let me know


  • Media
    mandyiary Level 1
  • hello i am reading your description and i am ready to do your work. i have excellent experience in your job. i can strongly assure you that i will be able to provide you with very unique and high-quality work with more revision.

    why me?
    free unlimited revision
    good communication skills
    2+ year experie


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    Make an Offer Created 10 years ago in Blogs

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