Is Quality NOT Quantity the Best Way to Go?
If you just go for BIG HIGH PR links in any form it CAN
HURT YOUR SITE...for as long as google wants... which
could be a very very long time. They don't care about you
one 'iota' (I-OH-TAH).
You get ONE chance to do this right. Google doesn't give
a wink about your business or site. They make money
regardless of the millions of simple mistakes their users
make and this is an easy one to make folks.
How easy you ask? Uh....easy enough for people
that think they know what they are doing to get
sand-boxed for good.
Are your HIGH PR backlinks getting strained
through these 4 CRITICAL SEO criteria?
You had better know! This gig features 10 powerful
MANUALLY created HIGH PR backlinks, BUT I will
also put your order through the grinder of the 4 golden
rules for maximum effectiveness..
The Big 4 - Low outbound links (OBL), good alexa rank, no
pharma/porn/gambling sites, and good main URL rank
I also add in special touches to get you maximum effect.
Order Now.
I guarantee their effectiveness 100%
Check out my Gig Extras