
17x COMPLETE Youtube Services (Subscribers+Views+Likes+Comments)

17x COMPLETE Youtube Services (Subscribers+Views+Likes+Comments)

Searching for someone that can provide on 17 different youtube accounts next services, so the winner don't get only $9, but $150!:
100-200+ subscribers
12000+ views (on each account have only 1 video)
500-700 likes
300-500 comments

Don't need individual services.
Example: Subscribers+Likes, need COMPLETE!

Time for bid: 5 days!
The best offer win, good luck!

Searching for someone that can provide on 17 different youtube accounts next services, so the winner don't get only $9, but $150!:
100-200+ subscribers
12000+ views (on each account have only 1 video)
500-700 likes
300-500 comments

Don't need individual services.
Example: Subscribers+Likes, need COMPLETE!

Sorry for repeating 2 times but need 100 words for WTB offers and didn't know what else can type

Time for bid: 5 days!
The best offer win, good luck!


Searching for someone that can provide on 17 different youtube accounts next services, so the winner don't get only $9, but $150!:
100-200+ subscribers
12000+ views (on each account have only 1 video)
500-700 likes
300-500 comments

Don't need individual services.
Example: Subscribers+Likes, need COMPLETE!

Time for bid: 5 days!
The best offer win, good luck!

Skills Required

Youtube views subscribers likes comments


i will give you 15000 view for each video ( $5 per video)
350+ subscribe for your channel ($5)
500+ likes each video ( 5$ per video )
+500 favourites ( split between 17 ) ( free )
if you have question contact me.

  • Media
    beso Level 1
  • order now!

    17 link = $9 x 17 link = $ 153 ,, so i give like and subscribe 150 $

    17 order this bid.. &


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    Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Youtube

    Other jobs by Overflame

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