
Watch hours for youtube channel promotions

Watch hours for youtube channel promotions

100% retention views 100K needed for my channel promotions. I need 100K views with 100% retention with 2 minitues retention per 1 views. I will buy more if all ges well. budget is $10 for per 100K 2 minitues each retention views.

Please do not offer other services.


100% retention views 100K needed for my channel promotions. I need 100K views with 100% retention with 2 minitues retention per 1 views. I will buy more if all ges well. budget is $10 for per 100K 2 minitues each retention views.

Please do not offer other services.

Skills Required



very fast none drop lifetime granting

you can buy monetization channel with 4000 watch and 1000 subscribers.

50% retanion 2 hr video and u will get 50 min+ watchtime

order me for non-dropped subscribers.

ok if you really want orignl retention’s on your awesome youtube channel at cheap price , this is the bid buddy, only in 9$

ok if you really want orignl retention’s on your awesome youtube channel at cheap price , this is the bid buddy, only in 9$

please order me 100% non drop granted

dear customer i give 10 k view with high retention .if your video minimum 55 minutes long 70% retention time .check my work detail.
50k-60k views per day beta test
• 100% real human youtube viewers!
• 70%+ retention up to 1 hour!
• 30 days refill guarantee
• auto refill every 24h

give you more than 2000 watch hours for youtube channel

please order me sir................

i give u 1000 views with 5 to 9 minutes retention .1000 views in just 4 $ if ur order minimum 10 k

300 non drop real subs for 1$ order me if you want

orser me for real subscribers.

please order me now, i will start now.

unique features of my youtube views :

• can split the views between 5 videos maximum.
• 100% real human youtube viewers!
• 2 minutes retention !
• fully cooperation if any issue
• instant start
• windows desktop watch page views
• 100% unique traffic
• world-wide views added in a non-stop natural pa


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Youtube

Other jobs by yeakubislam

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