if you know how to compromise youTube search and can offer a strategy to destroy a channel's seo and searchability then please contact me. I can get high views to lower the retention or any other method you can think of including bad comments etc. please let me know. t
this should be done over a 8 week period
hello,i know the method how can you delete or take down a youtube channel from youtube...inbox me to know more details
order now
i will do white hat seo for your youtube video.
ranking for search result and get hq youtube video views.
order me.
please sir order me
just order now
will help you destroy youtube channel. by negative reviews and negative feedbacks. all bot generated comments and bot views to make it flagged as spam in 3-4 weeks of order.
and get it flagged as inappropriate for youtube and get removed in next 2 weeks. all its videos and user content. contact for more info.
i have contact with some giant youtubers. (matthew santoro is my cousin, paint is my friend peter hollins friend, shawn mendes and pewdiepie is a friend of my friend roomieofficial, etc) they can get their viewers to help me destroy a channel.
plus, i have fun in that kind of stuff.