
Create videos of articles on my web site

Create videos of articles on my web site

1. Prefer price to be $5 per video if possible. Max $10. Making lots of videos so price is definitely an issue.
2. This is an ongoing gig, with 100's of videos to be made.
3. Just create video, I will upload to YouTube.
4. I have a blog. I want to create a video with voice of each article on
the site. The video will then talk a little bit about my site at the end
and then tell them to go to the link/page. Last & first video frame
will have my contact info. Name, phone, location, website.
4. If you can upload it to multiple site let me know. Also let me know if you
get get me user names and passwords to all sites you upload to.
5. If you have other service like video views, shares, embeds, likes,
comments, links, etc. Let me know and what the price would be.
6. Most articles are 300 - 500 words.
7. Videos to be in English with native English speaker. british or Australian ascent OK. Prefer female.
8. I will not provide any graphics. Only thing I will provide is a link to blog post.
9. You can make video any way you want. Person in the video, talking animation, video animation, still images.
10. Please only royalty free music and please provide the source license to music or do not use music.


1. Prefer price to be $5 per video if possible. Max $10. Making lots of videos so price is definitely an issue.
2. This is an ongoing gig, with 100's of videos to be made.
3. Just create video, I will upload to YouTube.
4. I have a blog. I want to create a video with voice of each article on
the site. The video will then talk a little bit about my site at the end
and then tell them to go to the link/page. Last & first video frame
will have my contact info. Name, phone, location, website.
4. If you can upload it to multiple site let me know. Also let me know if you
get get me user names and passwords to all sites you upload to.
5. If you have other service like video views, shares, embeds, likes,
comments, links, etc. Let me know and what the price would be.
6. Most articles are 300 - 500 words.
7. Videos to be in English with native English speaker. british or Australian ascent OK. Prefer female.
8. I will not provide any graphics. Only thing I will provide is a link to blog post.
9. You can make video any way you want. Person in the video, talking animation, video animation, still images.
10. Please only royalty free music and please provide the source license to music or do not use music.

Skills Required

Video Videotestimoni Whiteboardvide Any


sir i can make video for your websote according to your need if you wanna take my services it's pleasure for.
so please sir take my services.

i want to do your job. i have such work experience. if you wish, you can visit my website & channel.

my website

my youtube channel


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Video

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