
I need to build a website in wordpress

I need to build a website in wordpress

I need to build a WordPress website for my Tech support business
need a responsive bootstrap 3.0 theme
Need a store to sell refurbished IT products like server, desktops, software, etc
All we want to do is add from backend all our products with description and price
We will also provide other services. So need a services section with all our services included. We will provide detailed info on the services so you can copy paste.
Use a good IT -Tech Support Theme
Theme must have sliders, images for services we provide- so you can add images as per services
Contact US Section with Map
Logo and banner - Design LOGO for us need to give us PSD files of the logo and banner
About US Section
Services Section
Social Connection Icons to link to our social pages
Why Choose us section
Store to sell products
Install all the required Plugins


I need to build a WordPress website for my Tech support business
need a responsive bootstrap 3.0 theme
Need a store to sell refurbished IT products like server, desktops, software, etc
All we want to do is add from backend all our products with description and price
We will also provide other services. So need a services section with all our services included. We will provide detailed info on the services so you can copy paste.
Use a good IT -Tech Support Theme
Theme must have sliders, images for services we provide- so you can add images as per services
Contact US Section with Map
Logo and banner - Design LOGO for us need to give us PSD files of the logo and banner
About US Section
Services Section
Social Connection Icons to link to our social pages
Why Choose us section
Store to sell products
Install all the required Plugins

Skills Required



i can design a responsive wordpress website for your tech support business and also selling refurbished it products like server, desktops, software, etc. theme must have sliders, images for services you provide. site will have

  1. contact us section with map
  2. logo and banner - design logo for you and give you psd files

hello sir ,

i had understood your requirement and will give you 100% result
order now or inbox me so we can proceed asap


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I willdo design for you

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I am on seo clerks so that i can get it done for $35 if any one is bidding dont bid more than $35

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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Web 2.0

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