
Looking for someone who can speak foreign accent for a short interview

Looking for someone who can speak foreign accent for a short interview

I am looking for someone who can read the script I give you in a foreign accent.
it's a small interview for not more than 15mins.


You have to speak Native English Accent.
It would be good if you are from Any English speaking countries.

Skills Required

English Accent American


i will translate your text to english am very good in english language and i can speak it fluently.
please order me to get an excellent job

hy sam,
i can make video for you according to you provided script. i have recently done 2 projects of video voiceover. i can show you sample if you want. i can provide both male and female voiceover video artist.
i want to know about your budget for 15 minute video

what is the interview about, sir?
i am fluent in english and i guess i can do the job. please send me details. thanks

contact me i think 1$ be a fair price
let your accent come naturally. the best way to learn the american english accent is to listen and practice. record your voice and compare it to native speakers you hear in american entertainment. converse with your american friends, tutors or teachers.

i am very good in native english speaking. hope you will like my work. waiting to hear from you sir.
thank you

thanks for offering such a nice job ,so we can show our skills to you; and be the part of your work to complete it successfully.

it will be my pleasure to be the part of your work and help you in completing the task within time frame.

thanks and regards,
sapna kumari


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Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Voice Over

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