
Want someone to click ad in my parked domain from different ip's

Want someone to click ad in my parked domain from different ip's

I want you to click the ad for a parked domain

I want as many clicks as you see per day for 10 days..

Traffic should be a type in traffic (Let me know if you don't understand what i mean)

I will provide domain name is image format. I want you to type the name in your browser and then you need to click atleast 5 ads and keep this ad open for 30 seconds.

If everything goes good i will again re-order this gig with more budget.

preferably U.S visitors ,others can also bid

Only serious bidder please...


As many clicks as you see per day for 10 days
only serious bidder

Skills Required

traffic domain parking


first of all i need the parking company provider information like godaddy , trafficz, domainsponser etc., referral for domain parking clicks ....based on then i can do at the best


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Traffic

Other jobs by gowthaman7989