
need 50k traffic in my 2 URL

need 50k traffic in my 2 URL

HI, i need 50k traffic to my 2 URL

Must be delivery within 24 hours from now.
i will order it right now to correct bidder.
traffic must be stay at least 10 second.

traffic could be from heatleap or any similar sites but no bot traffic accept.
only US traffic and source would be social media

you must be able start it right now instantly without any delay.
Lets place your bid.


50 k traffic
2 URL supported
max budget $3
delivery must be within 24 hours
provide me analytic URL
all traffic must be from USA and source social media

Skills Required

Facebooktraffi Safe traffic adsense Googletraffic


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Traffic

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