I'm looking for Traffic for more URL shortener (ADs) as is YouLinkAds,Adf.ly,shorte,st so on.
Traffic from USA, UK, Canada, or any other English speaking country
Only 100% real humans visitors (must not software, bots, traffic exchange (HitLeap and so on) proxy, fake traffic etc.)
How many people can you deliver?
Please Offer price
The visitor has to click on the url shortener, wait 5-10 seconds, and skip the ad (click skip this ad, ad Skip or so on.)
Measurement I will watch the backoffice url shortener (reports)
Please, offer ONLY traffic clicks, no classic traffic, create website, seo etc.
Traffic for more URL shortener (ADs)
-Traffic from USA, UK, Canada, or any other English speaking country
-Only 100% real humans visitors
-Must not software, bots, traffic exchange (HitLeap and so on) proxy, fake traffic etc.
-The visitor has to click on the url shortener, wait 5-10 seconds, and skip the ad (click skip this ad, ad Skip or so on).
-Measurement I will watch the backoffice url shortener (reports)
- I pay only clicks (target is my website), no classic traffic