I want to buy 50.000 points to like4like.org, delivered in 1 week - 3 weeks. I buy the best bid and best way to deliver.
Write all kind of bids.
But do not bid, if you don't have something good to offer.
Feel free to contact and write to me.
50.000 usable points. 1 - 3 weeks delivering. Best bid.
i will give you 50000 real human like4like points in 1 week for just 35$.tanks
i can refill your account or create a new account for you.
my method is 100% safe and secure.
the price is: 5$ per 10.000 like4like points
and the delivery time is: 3days per 10.000 like4like points
you can order as many as you want, but the delivery time will increase accordingly.
according to my previous bid, the price for 50.000 like4like points is 25$.
the delivery time is about 2 weeks.
points can be added to your current account or into a new account.
feel free to contact me