
Need Datpiff Downloads, Streams, Views, Comments, Favorites and Rates

Need Datpiff Downloads, Streams, Views, Comments, Favorites and Rates

I need 700K views, 150K streams, 200K downloads, 300 Rates, 200 Favorites and 400 Comments for a Datpiff Mixtape. These must be safe views and the comments must relate to the mixtape (mention a song title or be relevant to the genre of music)

I need this done in a maximum of 30 days.


Datpiff Mixtape Downloads
Must be Safe
150K Streams
300 Rates
200 Favorites
400 Comments (Comments must be relevant to the genre of music which is hip-hop)

Skills Required

Marketing Downloads Datpiff


i can deliver this package within 30 days safely.

i will tweet your mixtape across my tweeter accounts that has over 27k real followers (18k, 7k, 2k) for 20 days (each tweet will be an hour apart)

Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Social Networks

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