
Get me back my hacked twitter account

Get me back my hacked twitter account

Someone stole my account, changed the username, picture, and actual name. But they left me with a new account with my twitter name (@followgainpromo) and 0 followers. I found the guy that stole my account, it still has my 100,000+ followers and all my tweets so im positive its mine. I really need help getting it back, use whatever methods you feel are necessary.


I need someone to hack into the account stolen from me, change the name back to followgainpromo, and change the password and email back to my own. I will basically pay you whatever you want and you can do the job however you like. I really need this account back and will be forever grateful if you can help me.
*its my only chance at getting into a good college

Skills Required

hacking twitter


hi, i can not help return your old account but i can give you 100,000 followers on your new page!
active no bot only with avatar for 5 days
sorry for your problem
king regards

contact me brother

contact me please

Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Social Networks

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