
Telegram Chat Participants

Telegram Chat Participants

I have a new telegram channel and I require 5 different (individual) accounts to chat inside the channel between each other for a 5 day period.

The purpose is to start conversation and bring active chatting into the channel.
This will encourage new users to also participate.

Further details can be provided on request.


1. Each account must login 2 times per day, morning and afternoon / evening.
2. The account holder must post chat / messages about the channel topic (subject).
3. There should be a minimum of 20 messages per account, per day, for 5 days (10 morning, 10 afternoon /evening).
4. The account holder should not just post 10 messages directly, the messages should be in conversations with the other accounts to be accepted.
5. English is a requirement.

Skills Required


Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Social Networks

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