Hi People,
We are searching for someone who can help us by this contest its a wavo dj contest and we need 150 votes for this contest.
Here is a link where you can see how to vote : https://wavo.me/mysteryland/artist-invitational/the_vinyljackers_camping_circus_stage_2015_contest_mix_13533657153210000?u=5293a879c34f57eb2b0023d0&s=41rJQ3OKJ4hC6wUl5h4Os2gmMTs&v=1
We hope someone can help us this contest ends on 10 march 2015.
This contest is a www.wavo.me contest for this contest you need to connect with soundcloud and facebook for +1 vote.
We need 100 if its possible 150.
Here the link of our mix:
150 ip votes to app, photo, poll, website or any contest votes
i can give you 150 votes from real and active accounts,,guarantee to complete manually and within a day..