
I need 50 votes on one contest

I need 50 votes on one contest

I need 50 votes on contest that is on web site You need to use facebook to login and vote on that site.

You vote for my photo on this site:

First you click on blue button on bottom of page that says "Login putem facebooka". When you succesfully login than you click on another blue button that says "Glasaj" on english that mean vote.

And that's it. I can't offer more than 3 dolars.

I don't need comments, just votes!
I will do votes in same time with you and I will know how much votes you give me !!


I need just votes no comments.
I need this to be completed in less than 1 hour.

Skills Required

Vote Voting Facebooktraffi Facebooklikeso Facebookaccoun Facebookgroupl Facebookservic Facebookfanpag Facebookfansel Contest Conte


hello mate; i will give you 50 votes on one contest.

i can give you 50 vote in 1 hours. if you need vote please order me quickly. thanks.

i am ready to do this work...................................

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Social Networks

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