
Build me a FB Autoposter!!!

Build me a FB Autoposter!!!

I Am looking for somebody who can build me a top of the line Facebook Autoposter .. It must have the ability to post a few ads every few minutes.. I want it to where it will post 10 ads every 4 minutes or 25 ever 15 minutes... I want it to be Downloadable by other people.....I also want my websites name of it at the very top of it... I Want it to Post to at least 100 FB Groups a day... If you cant do it.. Don't message me


Must Be able to post to At least 100 Groups per day....
Must Be downloadable...
Must Have my website's Name at the top of it..
Must Be able to post to groups at what ever time is selected...

Skills Required

Webpagedesign Software Development


i can post to 100's of groups, friends wall, page wall, post comments etc
you can schedule your auto poster also.

level 3 seller

it will post on fb and you can also s?chedule your auto poster.


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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Social Networks

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