
Share Blog Posts Using My "Share" Buttons

Share Blog Posts Using My "Share" Buttons

Share 2 blog posts of your choice (depending on what your audience will respond to).
1. Use the share buttons under my posts
2. Only share the posts if you have a fantastic following that is very responsive to everything you post!
3. I don't want Twitter to be the primary source. It needs to be larger like Stumbleupon, Reddit, Pinterest, or another huge network like those.
I DO NOT have a good following from Stumbleupon, but still get around 75-100 stumbles per post. I get around 1500 page views daily and they ALL come from Stumbleupon or about 90% of them. If you can give me huge traffic to 2 posts, then we can do this all over again. So I need someone with a very large social media presence to share 2 of my blog posts so I can get some mega traffic.
Here is my blog:
Look the blog over really good and If you are sure you can blow this thing up and lift it from around 50,000 page views/month to over 100K per month then feel free to bid much higher. But Please hear THIS: because I get a buzz from my adsense money the traffic MUST be natural 100%, and I'll know if it is or not by: 1 where it comes from 2. What my Adsense CTR is from what you do and 3. Google analytics. So the traffic MUST be natural.

Please contact me with questions if you have them. I just don't have the social clout to get the amount of visitors I think the blog is potential of.

Thank you so much! Sincerely,


1. Enormous presence on Stumbleupon, Pinterest, or another Huge social network with followers who will respond to funny/bizarre stuff. (nothing immoral)
2. You may use my Twitter button, but this can't be the primary social website (it will never generate the type of traffic I'm looking for.
3. You must use my share or "Add This" buttons at the bottom of the posts you choose to promote!

Skills Required

Social Media Stumbleupon Delicious Reddit Pinterest


stumbleupon username; afzalh | pinterest username: butterjam also have a huge following on social medias like facebook and twitter and others. i am a social media advertiser and promoter. check my gigs related to promotions, i can advertise your stuff to more then 30 million people on facebook. message me to know more about my services. thank you

i will share on my 1 year old reddit and post to my 600,000 facebook fans as well as tag my friends in the post. i will do the reddit one for one of your post and the facebook share for the other. i can also tweet it to 1.5k twitter followers. all this for 2 bucks.


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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Social Networks

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