10 sign up and submitting informations (trying to win iphone X) using Desktop with this link :
( https://www.cpagrip.com/show.php?l=0&u=179888&id=22885 )
10 sign up and submitting informations (trying to win iphone X) using Desktop with this link :
( https://www.cpagrip.com/show.php?l=0&u=179888&id=20944)
you must send me :
All photos proof of 20 users IP.
All photos proof of the last steps of the offers after sign up and submitting informations, trying to win the iphone X,
use this sites :
https://whatismyipadress.com for IP adress
https://screenhot.net for photos
please order me
if it's free then
please order me
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I am soumik biswas. I read your project details carefully. I can do your work perfectly . Expertness and honesty is my goal. My main target is customer satisfaction. So you will satisfy 100% after complete the project. Will be done your project on time, No delay or holiday. I am doing 16 hours in a day and 7 days in a week.
I Hope you give me a chance to work with you. I wish a long term relationship with you.
I am waiting for your response.
soumik bisswas Hi,
I am soumik biswas. I read your project details carefully. I can do your work perfectly . Expertness and honesty is my goal. My main target is customer satisfaction. So you will satisfy 100% after complete the project. Will be done your project on time, No delay or holiday. I am doing 16 hours in a day and 7 days in a week.
I Hope you give me a chance to work with you. I wish a long term relationship with you.
I am waiting for your response.
soumik bisswas
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