Looking for someone who will Teach me: how to install FFmpeg with libraries enabled: gpl, libass, libfdk-aac, libfreetype, libfontconfig, libfribidi, libmp3lame, libopus, libtheora, libvorbis, libvpx, libx264, libx265, nonfree.
1. Teach me: how to Install FFmpeg with all the required libraries above to my VPS.
2. Give me the location where installed.
3. Make the issue solved: You should see that everything is OK, which is
indicated by a green check icon. If there is even a single red cross
icon, you should fix it.
4. Give me all the instructions in a doc file including the commands you use.
i will install all the required libraries on your vps to work fine with wp theme.
you can order me now.