
Do keyword research and competitor analysis

Do keyword research and competitor analysis

Keywords are the backbone of your Digital Existence. How can you grow your business or website without a solid foundation? Proper Seo Keyword Research is necessary to survive and distinguish your digital existence. Are you looking for SEO keyword research? You are at the right place!

What you will get:

1. Keyword
2. Avg.Search Volume
3. Location
4. CPC
5. PPC
6. Difficulty
7. User Intent

Competitor research includes the following:


2.Products(Pricing,Product 1,Product 2 etc)

3.Audience(Audience,Sentiment,Tone of Voice)

4.Marketing(Website strength,Website metrics,Traffic sources,Market share,Traffic journey,Market traffic,Social media,Influencers,Website visual,Paid advertising,Content Strategy,Content campaigns)

If you do not know what words to go for: I will find suggestions for you related to your business.

Feel Free to contact me before placing the order.


I need seed keywords of your niche and related topics.

Skills Required

seo website rankings seo backlinks link building seo boost high pr backlinks


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Bid On Listing Created 10 months ago in SEO Reports