
Competitor Analyst for my website

Competitor Analyst for my website


I am looking for someone who can analyse my competitor and provide me best keywords for my website. I will provide my competitors website and your jobs is to do competitor analysis and find their keywords.



I am looking for someone who can analyse my competitor and provide me best keywords for my website. I will provide my competitors website and your jobs is to do competitor analysis and find their keywords.

Skills Required

Keywords Seoexpert Seo


140+ dofollow high quality seo backlinks for website extra ranking on search engine

i will analyse your 1 competitor website in 2 dollar i will provode full details of baclinks and social media campaigs of your competitor by using premium tools like ahref moz semrush
order me now

i will do analyze your competitor for keyword in volume and best traffict.
and i'm also give you other long tail keyword for high traffict and low keyword difficult.

thanks you

hi, thank you for your message.
i will give you similar, related and semantic keywords for your website. also, i will tell you maximum volume keywords having high cpc. i can give you almost 500 to 1000 keywords.
i will tell you the skills by whom you could have more traffic on your website. thank you

please sir order me now

i will do seo competitor analysis of the website whose url you will be provided. in 2$ budget i will provide 2 keywords of your competitor,s site. feel free to contact me.

i will do seo keyword research and competitor analysis for your website

watchword investigate is an essential piece of seo and ought to be the #1 need for any genuine website admin or entrepreneur seeming to be at the bleeding edge of their industry.

what will you get from my service packages?

  1. high search volume kws
  2. long tail keywords
  3. lsi keyword
  4. seed keyword
  5. low competitor kw


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in SEO Reports

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