
Recover My Website after Penguin 2.0

Recover My Website after Penguin 2.0

I want someone to Recover my Website after Penguin 2.0 that rolled out 22th of May,

I think that my website was down to a Negative SEO Attack from any of my competitors,

I lost around 70% of my Traffic from Google (lost rankings for many keywords)


Please be sure that your service provide the following:

  • I don't need any reports or advices to recovery
  • I need fast recovery (maybe I'll choose the fastest)
  • Be sure to give details about your service

Skills Required

seo penguin panda google search engine ranking rank


i will do it and i am doing it to other sites also , many sites hit by penguin 2.0.. we know what we can do


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in SEO Reports

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