I need a php file that when entering has a form to enter urls and a submit button
Pressing the submit button will return each url with a text next to it that says Indexed or Not Indexed.
If it is indexed by google it will appear in green with the text INDEXED
If it is not indexed, it will appear with the text NO INDEXED in red.
If possible, have the result appear on the same page, below the submit button and in a table with two titles, URL AND RESULT.
To know if a url is indexed or not, you have to put the command site: in front of the url, example site: https: //google.com, if it is indexed it will appear below, if it is not indexed nothing will appear.
Example of an indexed url:
site: https: //esportshispano.com/gta-v/gta-6-prohibicion-por-filtracion-del-anuncio-de-lanzado-de-rockstar-games/
Example of a non-indexed url:
site: https: //www.educa2.madrid.org/web/lorena.mendez1/home/-/visor/estudiar-marketing-digital-en-2022
I await your answers as soon as possible because I am in a hurry.
I need it to be in php to put it in a subdomain of my website and be able to use it privately
If you dare to do it software I also accept it.