
I need errors to be cleaned up

I need errors to be cleaned up

in my wordpress dashboard I have PHP error 1 warning sign and something else that says duplicate queries which I think is slowing down and crashing my website

I need help removing these from the site to make it run better.


in my wordpress dashboard I have PHP error 1 warning sign and something else that says duplicate queries which I think is slowing down and crashing my website

I need help removing these from the site to make it run better.

Skills Required

website error php css wordpress hosting


how are you doing? i have seen your request & understand it. i have assure that i will slove your wordpress 404 error.
more discussion please feel free knock me.

kinds regards

i will help removing these from the wordpress website to make it run better. i have 10+ years in this field

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    komz Level 1
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    i will help you errors to be cleaned up on your wordpress website. i hope i can solve these problems properly. you can order me my gig

    5sir, can you discuss with me for 2/3 minute? i hope i am the best one who solved such problem for many times.

    how are you doing?
    i can fix the error in your wordpress website as much fast as i can.
    contact me for more.

    Bid On Listing Created 4 years ago in Programming

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